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Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 1:02 am
by Royal24s
Since the beginning of time there have been lots of little conflicts and one big conflict in the world.
When my children were young I was able to instruct them very clearly , because the situation was very clear. The great conflict between good and evil was at that time played out between the free capitalist nations of the West against the repressive and cruel socialist tyranny of the old Soviet Union. Before that it had been pretty much the same nations of the free west fighting Hitler and his National Socialist movement.
You can chock that back to Napoleon if you like. He, like his successors , wanted to bring down all national borders and create a one world government under the false banner of a kind of pre- socialist prototype of pretended equality.
All these movements and regimes failed to deliver any of the benefits they had promised in those lands which fell temporarily under their control. Indeed, they went through hellish suffering and soon found that all these fine sounding changes only benefitted a very small number of elite and cruel criminals.

The whole filthy idea keeps getting rebranded, but it's essentially always the same. It wants to destroy religion, family and patriotism - calling them bad- and it exploits jealousy and despair by falsely promising rewards for those who will help it eradicate the pillars upon which humanity is built , and tear down the walls which protect them from destruction.

Well, here we are again. It's back !
It wants you to reject your family, your religion and your country. It tells you that your own common sense is unreliable, and that everything you had believed in was wrong. It seeks to persuade you that if you let it replace those things with a total undivided loyalty to , and trust in, these always destructive new ideas, you will earn the great rewards which it tells you it has in store for you.

It's present day incarnation is called "Globalism". We have of course been told for a long time that it doesn't even exist, but now we've reached a point where they use the term themselves all the time.

It is evil.

Do people here understand what it is, or even believe that there is such a thing as globalism.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 3:36 am
by AlcoholBrazil
The end aim is to end all races and nations and bring the world population down to one slave populace serving the 1 per cent elite,
Birth and Population will be controlled by the NWO , and all humans will be microchipped at birth and living at the same impoverished level.
Home ownership and cash abolished . Every space monitored by CCTV including your dwelling.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:18 am
by paolo
globalism is happening

the loony left, champagnes and sjw's will have you believe it's a conspiracy

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:43 am
by Steve Hunt
To be fair, the good people in Wallonnia are putting up a decent stand against it.

I suspect that they will eventually be defeated/rail roaded/ignored in the long run, though.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:00 am
by Basualdo
Steve Hunt wrote:To be fair, the good people in Wallonnia are putting up a decent stand against it.

I suspect that they will eventually be defeated/rail roaded/ignored in the long run, though.
Whats happening in Belgium then, Steve?
Perhaps unsurpisingly, Ive heard nothing about that?

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:06 am
by Roy Twing
paolo wrote:globalism is happening

the loony left, champagnes and sjw's will have you believe it's a conspiracy
Globalism/the global village is branded as a desirable thing by the establishment nowadays, is it not?
They're not trying to introduce it via the backdoor, - I'm pretty sure many acolytes have bought it as a good thing as per royals OP.
If in doubt, I guess we could ask hillperson.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:09 am
by Steve Hunt
Basualdo wrote:
Steve Hunt wrote:To be fair, the good people in Wallonnia are putting up a decent stand against it.

I suspect that they will eventually be defeated/rail roaded/ignored in the long run, though.
Whats happening in Belgium then, Steve?
Perhaps unsurpisingly, Ive heard nothing about that?
All here, Bas:

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:32 am
by Basualdo
Steve Hunt wrote:
Basualdo wrote:
Steve Hunt wrote:To be fair, the good people in Wallonnia are putting up a decent stand against it.

I suspect that they will eventually be defeated/rail roaded/ignored in the long run, though.
Whats happening in Belgium then, Steve?
Perhaps unsurpisingly, Ive heard nothing about that?
All here, Bas:
A little ironic that one of the reasons they are blocking it is that there aren't enough 'evironmental' safeguards though, isnt it?
Not an accusation normally levelled at the touchy feely, global warmist Trudeau led Canucks.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 8:21 am
by m4 colin
Trudeau ?That be one o them fucking bloodlines want to own everything and everybody

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 5:54 pm
by Royal24s
Like the Clintons you mean ?

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:22 pm
by m4 colin

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:38 pm
by Rossco
It has had many names but it is the same thing.

New World Order. One government which will be totalitarian by nature. One currency that they control and it will have a mark - microchip or barcode one or the other and one religion and that is to worship Satan.

It has been about for years it changes it's name when it gets found out and i changes it's ways for a while. But it's true way is to lie and get want it wants by crooked means.

How many have bought into/sold their soul to it....most in power or influence.


And many many many more.

Eduction has it in schools and brainwash kids so that they buy into it. Plus dumb them down. Public schools are a mess now and just getting worse. But easier to control and trick dumb people.

It is like an onion and it has many, many layers. I know the truth of who controls this world as do many others but many others do not. But to keep it 100% real you will lose many. But that is the truth. Satan rules this earth. Why do you think it is the way it is. Really look at it. Even music videos your kids watch...full of satanic symbolism. Type into Youtube Bob Dylan saying he sold his soul to the devil for fame...cause lets face it the auld croak can't sing. That is just a tip and it is there in front of you, just most are to blind to see what it is. Look at people saying they sold their souls. Look at the Tv you watch...television - tell-lie-vison. Read what Anton Lavey said about television and what it could do.

Most know the world is fucked, They know this deep inside. They know big shit is coming. If they don't or you are reading this and you don't then check your pulse because you could well be already dead.

Yes it is real. Yes it is coming. I do believe strongholds are being built to hold of the tide of evil and everything that is wrong with this word. I do believe Trump will win to give an extra couple of years because he isn't owned by them. He might play with them but they don't own him. He is free that way and the West needs at least one free leader right now.

Many have said it will happen and they want it.

Bush with his famous 'and we will have a new world order' talk.

Blair, Brown, loads over here. Youtube them saying it. If not NWO, then globalism is used it is the same shit.

Total control. No God, no freedom and slaves. That is the real thing they want and have wanted for many, many, many years. They call themselves the light-bringers, but they bring no light just darkness. For they follow that who always wanted to be God but failed and always will.

To much? Don't care. That is the real truth. And deep down a lot of you already know it but for whatever reason can't deal or don't want to deal with this truth. But it doesn't matter because it isn't going to stop or wait for you. Only you can make the change you need to get right.

Preacher in the house lol But yeah...truth all the same lads and ladies.

BUt fuck em because you know what. They all lose and with ease. Many unfortunately will die in the process and we are talking billions of lives here. But it is coming. Ready or not.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 6:38 pm
by paolo
Basualdo wrote:
Steve Hunt wrote:
Basualdo wrote:
Steve Hunt wrote:To be fair, the good people in Wallonnia are putting up a decent stand against it.

I suspect that they will eventually be defeated/rail roaded/ignored in the long run, though.
Whats happening in Belgium then, Steve?
Perhaps unsurpisingly, Ive heard nothing about that?
All here, Bas:
A little ironic that one of the reasons they are blocking it is that there aren't enough 'evironmental' safeguards though, isnt it?
Not an accusation normally levelled at the touchy feely, global warmist Trudeau led Canucks.
Trudeau is a cretinous fop who will say or do anything to look good

The sooner he is gone the better for us but Canada is like several countries anyway

Re: Globalism

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:06 am
by Royal24s
Once again Rossco has it right.
I invite everyone to ask themselves how true the teachings of our globalist politicians are.
How many lies can you count if you just do it in your own soul or mind, and don't speak it aloud. If you do it that way you won't need to fear ridicule or allegations, and I think you'll find it hard not to see a pattern.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 8:30 am
by m4 colin
They can never deliver their utopia
all collectivization has ever delivered is brutality shortages starvation and death

Re: Globalism

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:05 pm
by The Tick
A one world government is impossible and impractical anyway, but the answer is not total isolation with nation-states in permanent stand offs with each other regarding land and resources.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:44 pm
by AlcoholBrazil
The Tick wrote:A one world government is impossible and impractical anyway, but the answer is not total isolation with nation-states in permanent stand offs with each other regarding land and resources.
The answer is not kow-towing to nations with 7th century human rights practices either just because they have plenty of
black stuff in the ground.

Re: Globalism

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 4:04 pm
by Royal24s
The Tick wrote:A one world government is impossible and impractical anyway, but the answer is not total isolation with nation-states in permanent stand offs with each other regarding land and resources.
It's that stand off which usually prevents all out war, governments colluding with each other to further globalist interests rather than those of their own countries , such as what they're trying to do in Syria, and an eventual single government which can do whatever it wants unchallenged because there is no independent power which can rival it.
So far, it's just a group of countries colluding, trying to crush those who refuse to take part like Syria, and furthering the ends of the billionaires they're working for. If those people ever got total power the results would be unthinkable