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Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:21 pm
by Lou Grant

Artwork taking the piss out of racists has been removed by a council in Essex. :P


Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:50 pm
by Glazed Earthenware Horse
The artwork itself branded 'racist' by thick people it looks like.

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 5:54 pm
by carcinogen
Council's tend to be full of white middle-class retired cunts who think golliwogs are still acceptable in modern society. This is why our political system is so out of kilter. In short, you and I live by the rules of Rotary Club members, or even worse, The Mason's.

Forget Cameron etc. Basically: we're all fucked.

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 6:09 pm
by the rotary club
I would like to disassociate myself with the above mentioned Rotary Club members.


Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:25 am
by colinthewarriormonkey
How could they not know it was a Banksy?

I saw one on a portable workmens hut on a building site. To this day I regret not offering to buy it off them.

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:55 am
by therealHJ
So in the last two weeks we have had two anti-racist art works removed because of complaints / protests by anti-racists

Clever :?

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:10 pm
by Royal24s
Well that's what happens in countries like this. Art, science , history and literature belongs to the State.
Unless it's approved by the State, it gets destroyed.
That used to be a uniquely labour trend, but the fake Conservative party is keen on it now, which is why you really should question your support for them

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:15 pm
by Lou Grant
therealHJ wrote:So in the last two weeks we have had two anti-racist art works removed because of complaints / protests by anti-racists

Clever :?
Believe me, there are no anti-racists in Clacton. It makes apartheid era South Africa seem genteel. As for Frinton, don't even go there...

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:51 pm
by m4rkb
Royal24s wrote:Well that's what happens in countries like this. Art, science , history and literature belongs to the State.
Unless it's approved by the State, it gets destroyed.
That used to be a uniquely labour trend, but the fake Conservative party is keen on it now, which is why you really should question your support for them
I'm a conservative myself and there have been so many true statements on here by former conservatives and ones jumping ship to UKIP.

There should never have been a need for a UKIP type party in the first place if the Tories had stuck to conservative principles. (and I change back to calling them the tories for all the reasons outlined in that superb post about the difference between a conservative and a Tory)

There is nothing racist about being a conservative, anyone from any colour race or creed can be one. It is just a state of being that expects things to be well managed, have people who have self discipline to do things in the proper way and be accountable for their actions. Not much else really.

What it does not allow for is corruption, corporate cronyism or looking after a select few self interests with favourable decisions to others by career politicians using the job as a personal stepping stone. This is the state of the Tory party at the moment.

Only today in the Mail Mr cover up ,Sir Jeremy Heywood, was wining and dining bankers and other top businessmen. What for? What are they going to get in return for this hospitality that means they don't have to trade fairly and honestly in their business dealings like every one else and are looking for a bunk up through government.

This is the kind of sick venality a proper conservative abhors yet for a few corrupt pounds they can now buy from their friends in high places.

We expects this kind of hypocrisy from champagne socialist Labour but it all goes against the grain of true conservative thinking, as does almost everything they do these days as it is mainly for show or a press soundbite.

Hopefully UKIP might restore the principle of self rule because the Tories certainly do not stand for it any longer. But as Roy very accurately pointed out in another thread all the changes we are currently making to our demographic will ensure nothing but a shift to the centre ground and the complete eventual elimination of conservative politics with a small 'c' which even old traditional labourites still have an affection for.

This deliberate destruction of conservative values could not have been done better by the left and its liberal allies and mass immigration was it's most potent weapon. If we see Miliband in office again or any similar version of Labour to the last one , it will put the final nail in the coffin for right wing sensible politics. And we know they will do just that. It will not however affect the Tories when they do it all again, just the conservatives.

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:09 pm
by Roddy
“The Fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists.”

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:13 pm
by Royal24s
2 brilliant posts one after the other !!!

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:58 pm
by warmleatherette
Council in 48 hour graffiti removal policy shocker...

Re: Artwork offends racists - so the council removes it

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:42 pm
by m4rkb
Sir Humphrey Appleby wrote:“The Fascists of the future will be the anti-fascists.”
Quite right Sir Humphrey. Although I'd have put it in the present tense.

Fascism tends to be incorrectly tagged as right wing, presumably because it attempts to pin all the bad qualities about it onto the right such as nationalism and racism.

These are in fact left wing ideals not right wing ones. Left wing politics works on the principle of operating as a collective with an accompanying thought process everyone adheres to, such as that suggested by Marxism socialism and communism: even Nazism.

True right wing politics centres on freedom of choice, individuality and free thinking not as a collective unit. This principle has spawned the most brilliant brains in history and the most inventive of minds as they were never told by any theoretical manual what they could and could not do or say on the grounds someone might just possibly be offended. This is completely unlike today where government approved thoughts are literally the only ones officially allowed without accompanying choruses of abuse if they stray off song.

You've only got to look at the vileness of the hard left to realise they are more full of hatred than any right winger falsely tagged as a fascist when it is purely a leftist trait.

That's why what you wrote is so true.