Hillary collapsing all over the place

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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Hillman avenger »

Royal24s wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:You have a chest infection.
You are told to rest.
You don't.
It becomes pneumonia
Thank you Dr Kildare, but that's bollocks.
It's a lung infection not a chest infection and it's often viral. It's possible for the bacterIa from a chest infection to infect the lungs, but it's by no means certain or even very likely.
It's about fluid collecting in the lungs, which is not going to automatically result from a chest infection, ( unless there's something wrong with your immune system of course )
Gosh your knowledge knows no origin does it.
If you're sure , of course.
My mother-in-law must have made it up when she was ill. As no doubt Clinton's team did, too
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by kancutlawns »

Hillman avenger wrote:
Royal24s wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:You have a chest infection.
You are told to rest.
You don't.
It becomes pneumonia
Thank you Dr Kildare, but that's bollocks.
It's a lung infection not a chest infection and it's often viral. It's possible for the bacterIa from a chest infection to infect the lungs, but it's by no means certain or even very likely.
It's about fluid collecting in the lungs, which is not going to automatically result from a chest infection, ( unless there's something wrong with your immune system of course )
Gosh your knowledge knows no origin does it.
If you're sure , of course.
My mother-in-law must have made it up when she was ill. As no doubt Clinton's team did, too
The second scenario is a given.
Please don't hoover up all the bollocks for yourself. Leave some for others.

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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Royal24s »

Hillman avenger wrote:
Royal24s wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:
birdie wrote:
Ralph wrote:
birdie wrote:
Ralph wrote:
He was taking steroids (which caused osteoporosis) for colitis in the 1930s so the two things are likely connected?

http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/17/us/in ... wanted=all
But wouldn't that have made him medically unfit for military service? Unless, of course his father paid for a favourable medical report.
Good point. Don't know. Perhaps he didn't tell the truth & the medical examination wasn't that thorough.
Joe Kennedy was a political animal and very ambitious for his sons, it wouldn't have gone down well if JFK hadn't done military service because he'd failed the medical and far better have a war hero as a political candidate than one who hadn't served because he couldn't pass the medical, so I'm thinking its a fair bet he paid to,have a favourable medi

cal report, after all, it's an open secret that he paid for votes to get him elected, he's reported to,have said, when he learned the size of the majority, that he could have saved himself several millions and not paid for so many votes.
It's true that Joe wanted a son as President, but it wasn't John. It was his older brother, who was killed in the war. John was reluctant to get into politics, but did so in the end. Joe did not buy votes..what he did, in the Boston district that John stood for, was to find somebody with the same name as John's opponent, did him favours to get him to stand and then banked on voters being confused by seeing the same name twice on the ballot. It worked. After that John did it on his own.
You make it sound so quaint. What a jolly man you make Joe Kennedy sound !
In fact he made his money out if bootlegging then bought the ambassadorship to London.
As well as being up to his neck in blood from organised crime, he was a keen nazi and, according to Winston Churchill, who had him replaced as ambassador , a German spy .

This perhaps explained Hoovers antipathy towards the whole family.

In fact, he bought New Hampshire through the mob, who did some pretty bad stuff to secure it, but promised them favours when the son was elected.
When he was , though, he snubbed Frank Sinatra and half the familia by failing to attend a victory party they'd laid on for him. His little brother was duly appointed Attorney General and instead of looking after them, went after the mob very hard.
Some think this was the motive for 22/11 but it's much more complicated than that of course. Certainly it led to their willing participation.
In short, Joe Kennedy was filth .
I wasn't speaking up for Joe Kennedy.
I was pointing out that the comment here was misleading.
BTW it was Massachusetts and the first political office JFK had was as a Representative for Massachusetts
Yes he was the Senator for Massachusetts , obviously, but I was rallying about the 1960 dem primaries .
Kennedy SNR was closely affiliated with the Patriarca family in Massachusetts , but it was Sam Giancanna of the Chicago mob who was brought in to deliver New Hampshire, being the crucial state, for the Kennedy team. The initial contact point was said to have been Frank Sinatra whose family was from the same town in Sicily as Giancanna.
This caused conflict because new Hampshire was Patriaca territory , and it also wasn't clear which crime family the kennedys now owed allegiance to.
When elected, they snubbed Sinatra, Giancanna and the Chicago mob then contraversially appointed the young brother,( then a very newly qualified lawyer), as Attorney General and he actually went after both families.
Since Giancanna was closely involved in the CIA , his subsequent involvement in the assassination on 11/22/63 was hard to see as independant from them.

This is all quite well known, and I don't think anyone would dispute it but - and I say this with respect, only to make a point - perhaps you didn't know it.
Now, if it's a surprise to you that the US government in the early sixties was being secretly influenced by the mafia, perhaps you will see that it is not in fact preposterous to think that the governments of today have sinister backers ?
Jo Kennedy wasn't politically ambitious for his son, as you put it. He was politically ambitious for himself, and in this was entirely sponsored by the mafia who don't do things for nothing.
Maybe I shouldn't digress into the assassination , but it certainly involved on the one hand the fact that the Chicago mob wanted to avenge being double crossed over new Hampshire , and the fact that Hoover and other law enforcement knew that the whole family were dirty.
Others in politics were ambitious, and this was another factor - one of many- in the murder.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Royal24s »

Hillman avenger wrote:
Royal24s wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:You have a chest infection.
You are told to rest.
You don't.
It becomes pneumonia
Thank you Dr Kildare, but that's bollocks.
It's a lung infection not a chest infection and it's often viral. It's possible for the bacterIa from a chest infection to infect the lungs, but it's by no means certain or even very likely.
It's about fluid collecting in the lungs, which is not going to automatically result from a chest infection, ( unless there's something wrong with your immune system of course )
Gosh your knowledge knows no origin does it.
If you're sure , of course.
My mother-in-law must have made it up when she was ill. As no doubt Clinton's team did, too
I'm sorry I childishly called you Dr Kildare, and I hope and trust that she recovered okay, but just because this unfortunately happened to her doesn't mean it's the only cause of the condition, or that it's even likely that a chest infection will cause it. As I said , it's in the lungs and often viral rather than bacterial.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by The Ghost of Alex Higgins »

Maybe she needs a firmware upgrade
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

Pretty much called this month or so ago. Signs are all there. And yes. No doubt a much higher power at work.

Like Johnny said.

phpBB [video]

Sad thing is the mainstream media have been carrying and covering for her for ages now. And yeah the thoughts of who steps in for her has crossed my mind. But I trust in God, so whomever or whatever.

They all get got in the end anyhow if they run with the devil and do his bidding and tell his lies.
Last edited by Rossco on Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by birdie »

The thing that puzzles me, just a tad, is, why, if she was so unwell that she collapsed, she wasn't whisked off to the nearest hospital, if her lung/chest or wherever infection was so bad it caused her to collapse it surely would warrant being taken to hospital where the facilities would be, at a guess, superior to her daughters spare bedroom, and wasn't it remarkable that being in a state of collapse two hours later she's looking as though nothing has happened.

I,say again, pneumonia? Nah. Not even 'walking pneumonia'.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

Royal24s wrote:
m4 colin wrote:
Royal24s wrote:Just saw Hillary Clinton fainting and collapsing all over the place and having to leave the 9/11 memorial ceremony.
She is obviously quite ill.
I hadn't been an enthusiastic follower of the suggestions that she is gravely ill. Firstly I wasn't convinced, and secondly I find it very foreign to my nature to rejoice in anyone's suffering.
On the back of her various choking, vomitting and falling episodes I don't think we can doubt that the suggestions are in fact true.
I cannot deny that I regard her as completely demonic and evil, and it may be that a far higher power has intervened to prevent her from gaining a hold on the earth. Nonetheless my instincts make it hard for me not to sympathise with her - Id have to say that's beyond my pay grade and make no further comment.

It seems clear however, that she cannot continue much further with her campaign, which leads to the question of who will replace her and when.
Morally it should be Bernie Sanders, but her vp candidate is a very nasty bit of work himself and I'm sure they'll try and lever him into the hot seat over Sanders head.
Maybe this was intended all along and maybe it's surprised them. Maybe they'll have to act before the election or maybe they intend to get her into power then replace her with an even more evil person - maybe they're even doing something to her themselves .
Told ya ! Lords got her in the crosshairs.
Well, as Christians , or certainly Catholics,we are entitled to presume Divine chastisement .
Ordinarily I would be very slow to do that, and as I said , it is against my instincts to lack sympathy. Ordinarily upon seeing this I would have prayed for her recovery, however much I dislike her.
In this case, she is so very evil , and so close to doing immense physical and spiritual harm that I cannot discount the possibility. I'm not saying it is, and I'm not saying that I'm able to make that judgement, which is a grave one since a soul is at stake. It is in the hands of God.
I hear you on a lot of that. Draw the line at the Catholic bit tho :wink: lol

But yeah. I get what you are saying. But as always I will be honest. No point lying as no hiding place from them. Only to please people and I'm done on that level. Tell them the truth. Up to them how they take it. That is the best love IMO. Hurts but better than a lie.

Have heard to hate the captor not the captive when it comes to demonic things and people controlled on under total oppression, possession. But I personally think Killary Clinton was more than happy with her lot. I think she more than welcomed the evil and power the demonic realm has provided her. Billy Boy...not so sure. Think Billy boy is more a captive type. How I see it anyhow.

So I rally don't have much in way of sad feeling for her. That alone says my gut feeling has always been right all along involving this woman and her presence. .
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

birdie wrote:The thing that puzzles me, just a tad, is, why, if she was so unwell that she collapsed, she wasn't whisked off to the nearest hospital, if her lung/chest or wherever infection was so bad it caused her to collapse it surely would warrant being taken to hospital where the facilities would be, at a guess, superior to her daughters spare bedroom, and wasn't it remarkable that being in a state of collapse two hours later she's looking as though nothing has happened.

I,say again, pneumonia? Nah. Not even 'walking pneumonia'.
Is that what they are saying.

They lie a lot tho never forget Birdie. I have been saying she will get cut down for a while now.

Much more to it than just pneumonia. Trust me on this one.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

shabbado wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:
shabbado wrote:Ah fuck did someone catch it on camera? Ok could we pass if off as her tripping getting into the van? Was anyone impeding her? Anyone close to impeding her? Ok so tripping is out. How about we say it's food poisoning? Come on that one has worked well in the past. No? Ok so.ething a little more serious? Sore hip? Ok, ok you don't collapse like that with a sore hip. Ah got it pneumonia. Ok quick draft up a press release. Hilary has been suffering pneumonia. She'll be resting a couple of days but while never cease in her efforts to serve the American people. God bless America.

Of course they'll believe it. They always do.
OK you tell us what you believe
Monkey AIDS
French type? :shock:

Bad mojo if so.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

Just saw the video.

Reminds me of Zab Judah doing the chicken dance.

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Game over. They can do and say what they like but that chick is toast.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

Royal24s wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:
birdie wrote:
Ralph wrote:
birdie wrote:
Ralph wrote:
birdie wrote:

I believe he injured his back an action when he was in command of gunboat during the war, there was a movie made about it called gunboat, or something, 405, or whatever number it was.
He was taking steroids (which caused osteoporosis) for colitis in the 1930s so the two things are likely connected?

http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/17/us/in ... wanted=all
But wouldn't that have made him medically unfit for military service? Unless, of course his father paid for a favourable medical report.
Good point. Don't know. Perhaps he didn't tell the truth & the medical examination wasn't that thorough.
Joe Kennedy was a political animal and very ambitious for his sons, it wouldn't have gone down well if JFK hadn't done military service because he'd failed the medical and far better have a war hero as a political candidate than one who hadn't served because he couldn't pass the medical, so I'm thinking its a fair bet he paid to,have a favourable medical report, after all, it's an open secret that he paid for votes to get him elected, he's reported to,have said, when he learned the size of the majority, that he could have saved himself several millions and not paid for so many votes.
It's true that Joe wanted a son as President, but it wasn't John. It was his older brother, who was killed in the war. John was reluctant to get into politics, but did so in the end. Joe did not buy votes..what he did, in the Boston district that John stood for, was to find somebody with the same name as John's opponent, did him favours to get him to stand and then banked on voters being confused by seeing the same name twice on the ballot. It worked. After that John did it on his own.
You make it sound so quaint. What a jolly man you make Joe Kennedy sound !
In fact he made his money out if bootlegging then bought the ambassadorship to London.
As well as being up to his neck in blood from organised crime, he was a keen nazi and, according to Winston Churchill, who had him replaced as ambassador , a German spy .

This perhaps explained Hoovers antipathy towards the whole family.

In fact, he bought New Hampshire through the mob, who did some pretty bad stuff to secure it, but promised them favours when the son was elected.
When he was , though, he snubbed Frank Sinatra and half the familia by failing to attend a victory party they'd laid on for him. His little brother was duly appointed Attorney General and instead of looking after them, went after the mob very hard.
Some think this was the motive for 22/11 but it's much more complicated than that of course. Certainly it led to their willing participation.
In short, Joe Kennedy was filth .
:lol: :lol:

Joe was a gangster, a thief and lots of other things. As most I thought would have known by now. But hey going by some thse people are A-OK Jack.

Hey Royal. Think we are getting the bum rush here by the 'normals' :lol:

They are either brain dead. In denial to the truth that we have put out before this happened to auld Killary. That I get. Rock their little world.

But whatever. We know the truth. We have tried to tell them. That is the free will bit. No point arguing with them. Let them live in their bubble world. It will go POP soon enough.

Tell the truth but don't waste your time either for that is folly my friend. Don't argue nor get personal with Hillman or any of the rest acting like blind mice. No point. God will open the eyes of whom he needs to open, of that have no doubt. The Bible makes it clear not all will see nor hear Royal.

Good thread dude :dart:
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

And who is this? Not Hillary as I have seen her. Where are the hired goons who have been propping auld Hillary up like something from Weekend at Bernies?

phpBB [video]

Right back on the saddle and ready to ride that horse. Like it ain't no thing. They really must take us all for mugs.


Body double/clone? Whatever to fuck it is...it isn't Hillary Clinton. Just pretending to be her.

Is she dead? Maybe. This is a very deep rabbit hole indeed.

phpBB [video]

Just an ERROR in the system though or something..right!!!!

Don't worry folks. Shit is gonna get wild. This is just the start.

But sure been telling youse this anyhow.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Royal24s »

Rossco wrote:
Royal24s wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:
birdie wrote:
Ralph wrote:
birdie wrote:
Ralph wrote:
He was taking steroids (which caused osteoporosis) for colitis in the 1930s so the two things are likely connected?

http://www.nytimes.com/2002/11/17/us/in ... wanted=all
But wouldn't that have made him medically unfit for military service? Unless, of course his father paid for a favourable medical report.
Good point. Don't know. Perhaps he didn't tell the truth & the medical examination wasn't that thorough.
Joe Kennedy was a political animal and very ambitious for his sons, it wouldn't have gone down well if JFK hadn't done military service because he'd failed the medical and far better have a war hero as a political candidate than one who hadn't served because he couldn't pass the medical, so I'm thinking its a fair bet he paid to,have a favourable medical report, after all, it's an open secret that he paid for votes to get him elected, he's reported to,have said, when he learned the size of the majority, that he could have saved himself several millions and not paid for so many votes.
It's true that Joe wanted a son as President, but it wasn't John. It was his older brother, who was killed in the war. John was reluctant to get into politics, but did so in the end. Joe did not buy votes..what he did, in the Boston district that John stood for, was to find somebody with the same name as John's opponent, did him favours to get him to stand and then banked on voters being confused by seeing the same name twice on the ballot. It worked. After that John did it on his own.
You make it sound so quaint. What a jolly man you make Joe Kennedy sound !
In fact he made his money out if bootlegging then bought the ambassadorship to London.
As well as being up to his neck in blood from organised crime, he was a keen nazi and, according to Winston Churchill, who had him replaced as ambassador , a German spy .

This perhaps explained Hoovers antipathy towards the whole family.

In fact, he bought New Hampshire through the mob, who did some pretty bad stuff to secure it, but promised them favours when the son was elected.
When he was , though, he snubbed Frank Sinatra and half the familia by failing to attend a victory party they'd laid on for him. His little brother was duly appointed Attorney General and instead of looking after them, went after the mob very hard.
Some think this was the motive for 22/11 but it's much more complicated than that of course. Certainly it led to their willing participation.
In short, Joe Kennedy was filth .
:lol: :lol:

Joe was a gangster, a thief and lots of other things. As most I thought would have known by now. But hey going by some thse people are A-OK Jack.

Hey Royal. Think we are getting the bum rush here by the 'normals' :lol:

They are either brain dead. In denial to the truth that we have put out before this happened to auld Killary. That I get. Rock their little world.

But whatever. We know the truth. We have tried to tell them. That is the free will bit. No point arguing with them. Let them live in their bubble world. It will go POP soon enough.

Tell the truth but don't waste your time either for that is folly my friend. Don't argue nor get personal with Hillman or any of the rest acting like blind mice. No point. God will open the eyes of whom he needs to open, of that have no doubt. The Bible makes it clear not all will see nor hear Royal.

Good thread dude :dart:

You must understand that they are like children who have no teacher - lost children.
They know only what they have been told by people who have neither the wisdom or study to know or understand the truth, and are themselves in turn deceived by the voice of the liar.
Those who have been charged as their earthly fathers to tutor them have often been driven away and the voices which they hear whisper constant lies to them. That which is evil is called good and that which is good is called evil. False philosophies of racism, sexism etc prevail, whilst the philosophy of truth and goodness is hidden from them or ridiculed.

I agree to be honest that this thing Clinton is a powerful demon, not just possessing the mind and body, but willingly invited to seek earthly power. I still hesitate to openly accuse it though, because I do not have the authority to do so.

My opinion might be right, but I certainly cannot judge the soul of this woman. It seems to me very likely that the Lord God is doing that , but it can only be His decision. The consequences are of course, most grave.
I feel this strongly but He has not revealed this to me directly.
God Bless you my brother .
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Royal24s »

Your directness is working much more than I would have expected in this place .
Nothing which you have said is wrong , but I've usually had these conversations with very learned theological academics who would not say it publicly.
I believe that you have a mission.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

If anyone comes across a better version of this then post it. Cuts of wild quick TBF.

phpBB [video]

That being said. Going by media Hillary had pneumonia. Yet out 2 hours later. Standing tall. No one near her to catch her when/if..no when...she falls. Bar a wee kid.

Nah. That is a load of nonsense.

A lot of it don't make sense whatever way you come at it.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

Royal24s wrote:
Rossco wrote:
Royal24s wrote:
Hillman avenger wrote:
birdie wrote:
Ralph wrote:
birdie wrote:
But wouldn't that have made him medically unfit for military service? Unless, of course his father paid for a favourable medical report.
Good point. Don't know. Perhaps he didn't tell the truth & the medical examination wasn't that thorough.
Joe Kennedy was a political animal and very ambitious for his sons, it wouldn't have gone down well if JFK hadn't done military service because he'd failed the medical and far better have a war hero as a political candidate than one who hadn't served because he couldn't pass the medical, so I'm thinking its a fair bet he paid to,have a favourable medical report, after all, it's an open secret that he paid for votes to get him elected, he's reported to,have said, when he learned the size of the majority, that he could have saved himself several millions and not paid for so many votes.
It's true that Joe wanted a son as President, but it wasn't John. It was his older brother, who was killed in the war. John was reluctant to get into politics, but did so in the end. Joe did not buy votes..what he did, in the Boston district that John stood for, was to find somebody with the same name as John's opponent, did him favours to get him to stand and then banked on voters being confused by seeing the same name twice on the ballot. It worked. After that John did it on his own.
You make it sound so quaint. What a jolly man you make Joe Kennedy sound !
In fact he made his money out if bootlegging then bought the ambassadorship to London.
As well as being up to his neck in blood from organised crime, he was a keen nazi and, according to Winston Churchill, who had him replaced as ambassador , a German spy .

This perhaps explained Hoovers antipathy towards the whole family.

In fact, he bought New Hampshire through the mob, who did some pretty bad stuff to secure it, but promised them favours when the son was elected.
When he was , though, he snubbed Frank Sinatra and half the familia by failing to attend a victory party they'd laid on for him. His little brother was duly appointed Attorney General and instead of looking after them, went after the mob very hard.
Some think this was the motive for 22/11 but it's much more complicated than that of course. Certainly it led to their willing participation.
In short, Joe Kennedy was filth .
:lol: :lol:

Joe was a gangster, a thief and lots of other things. As most I thought would have known by now. But hey going by some thse people are A-OK Jack.

Hey Royal. Think we are getting the bum rush here by the 'normals' :lol:

They are either brain dead. In denial to the truth that we have put out before this happened to auld Killary. That I get. Rock their little world.

But whatever. We know the truth. We have tried to tell them. That is the free will bit. No point arguing with them. Let them live in their bubble world. It will go POP soon enough.

Tell the truth but don't waste your time either for that is folly my friend. Don't argue nor get personal with Hillman or any of the rest acting like blind mice. No point. God will open the eyes of whom he needs to open, of that have no doubt. The Bible makes it clear not all will see nor hear Royal.

Good thread dude :dart:

You must understand that they are like children who have no teacher - lost children.
They know only what they have been told by people who have neither the wisdom or study to know or understand the truth, and are themselves in turn deceived by the voice of the liar.
Those who have been charged as their earthly fathers to tutor them have often been driven away and the voices which they hear whisper constant lies to them. That which is evil is called good and that which is good is called evil. False philosophies of racism, sexism etc prevail, whilst the philosophy of truth and goodness is hidden from them or ridiculed.

I agree to be honest that this thing Clinton is a powerful demon, not just possessing the mind and body, but willingly invited to seek earthly power. I still hesitate to openly accuse it though, because I do not have the authority to do so.

My opinion might be right, but I certainly cannot judge the soul of this woman. It seems to me very likely that the Lord God is doing that , but it can only be His decision. The consequences are of course, most grave.
I feel this strongly but He has not revealed this to me directly.
God Bless you my brother .
Royal. This is totally 100% my opinion here but let me say this. We are allowed to judge. It is the context of which. See think about this. People use the judge not, lest ye be judged bit. Like so much more out of the Bible. But the full context IMO means don't be a hypocrite to the best of our ability. If you lie, don't gurn about someone lying. If you steal then don't cry if someone steals from you. etc, etc, etc. That is the context as I read it. Matthew 7 take it you mean yeah? If you mean about peoples souls and where the spirit, our true form and self will reside after this moral physical world/plain. No way do we judge. Only God alone can judge. But most know this deep down anyhow. Well I think they do. Then they dismiss it. They go against that 'gut feeling' that the true self tells them. Which I personally believe is Common Grace and it is and has been given to every last one of us. Sinners and saints and all in-between. But they are bound to much to this physical world they dismiss it or call it daft. Done it myself many a times along the way in some form or other. So not going to bust nuts on that one, because as guilty as charged.= along the way.

But see here is another verse and if not using judgement then how do you even begin with this one then?

Matthew 10:16 - Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

So I personally think we can and are meant to judge at times. It is how we judge, that is the case.

And in the case of Clinton. Truth be told. If totally human then what a poor one. Lair, thief and a murderer (well OK maybe not directly on that one but has ordered people to murder for her needs/deeds. That I believe is fair to say here). And a few other things. And if worse a demon ridden thing and happy to take it for worldly goods.

We can agree to disagree if need be but that is how I read and think the judging bit is meant to be taken. I just flaunt it as I see in how the world is and how I read it in the Bible. No wiser than you. Maybe just a bit more different in my approach. But sure you know this already.

God bless you to.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Royal24s »

I certainly agree that the " judge not lest ye be judged also" thing is misinterpreted and misused ,( deliberately or unintentionally ), perhaps more than anything else.
Of course we can judge behaviour - otherwise we wouldn't know whether to go shoplifting. We can judge the truth of men's words because we are all given that gift if we choose to use it.
We can and must judge all sorts of things. It is our duty to do so in fact, and we so often hear the above passage deliberately misused to defeat truth.
What we cannot judge though, is men's souls for this is the province of God.
This is why I am very torn indeed on the question of this woman. I don't think I've ever been drawn to a dreadful conclusion like this before - not in the case of Hitler for example. I have always before simply thought, well that's for God to say.
Of course I've had my opinions, but wouldn't usually voice them. I cannot understand then, why I do feel compelled this time to say so openly. I'm actually in no doubt on the matter and perhaps the threat this thing poses is so immediate that the Lord has revealed it.
'"Beauty is truth, truth beauty,
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

Royal24s wrote:I certainly agree that the " judge not lest ye be judged also" thing is misinterpreted and misused ,( deliberately or unintentionally ), perhaps more than anything else.
Of course we can judge behaviour - otherwise we wouldn't know whether to go shoplifting. We can judge the truth of men's words because we are all given that gift if we choose to use it.
We can and must judge all sorts of things. It is our duty to do so in fact, and we so often hear the above passage deliberately misused to defeat truth.
What we cannot judge though, is men's souls for this is the province of God.
This is why I am very torn indeed on the question of this woman. I don't think I've ever been drawn to a dreadful conclusion like this before - not in the case of Hitler for example. I have always before simply thought, well that's for God to say.
Of course I've had my opinions, but wouldn't usually voice them. I cannot understand then, why I do feel compelled this time to say so openly. I'm actually in no doubt on the matter and perhaps the threat this thing poses is so immediate that the Lord has revealed it.
To cut to the chase. And yes I will be judged by God and God alone. This I have no doubts. But he knows me and he knows my heart. And not a cop out. But I really wasn't looking for all this. Not ungrateful, just amazed and at times bemused. So I will be brave, stick my neck out and say.

I think you feel that way because it is a demon ridden thing. Evil to the core. And we are allowed to hate evil Royal. We are allowed that. It is in there. Read that bit my friend.

Psalm 97:10

Just one of a few. Evil is evil. It has nothing of God nor good in it. So yeah. Hate it for what it is. I know I will. Not let it kill the love and kindness in my heart but damed if I will try to ease the hate I see it her and her kind.

What happens is between God and them. But I won't pretend nor fake anything. That isn't my path. It deserves to fall. It should be no where near power.

Trump I ain't that crash hot on either but compared to that thing. Yeah. He is far from worse than that thing. How I see it and stand by it.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by m4 colin »

Trumpybum is a Billionaire business man Ergo he aint a nice guy . But no one has in any way, however tenuously been able to link him with a string of murders of people who were either in his way or under investigation and likely to shop him in order to cut a deal. If he had it would be all over mainstream media 24/ 7
I heard gods fast but I'd have to go up against him before I believe it

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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

Very true and 100% agree with you Colin.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by The Ghost of Alex Higgins »

Speaking for the rest of the forum since 2019

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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by Rossco »

Just ones who see pass the lies and seeing it for what it is.

Be wise or be dumb. Free will wee son.

But since you just use this place for shits and giggles. Maybe you are a bit wiser :wink: Hope so anyhow.
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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by kancutlawns »

m4 colin wrote:Trumpybum is a Billionaire business man Ergo he aint a nice guy . But no one has in any way, however tenuously been able to link him with a string of murders of people who were either in his way or under investigation and likely to shop him in order to cut a deal. If he had it would be all over mainstream media 24/ 7
You're into satanism and the occult aren't you Colin? How come you're BFF with the drugged up wacky hallelujah squad? All very queer.
Please don't hoover up all the bollocks for yourself. Leave some for others.

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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Post by kancutlawns »

The Ghost of Alex Higgins wrote:GOD SQUAD
May the good Lord embrace you in his arms my dear sheep.
Please don't hoover up all the bollocks for yourself. Leave some for others.

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