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Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:05 pm
by Fug1
Rossco wrote:But also let me make it clear that if I feel the need to bring up God or the Devil in the US election thread. It will be done.

If don't like that then ban me. As I will do it if I feel I need to. Simple as.

Don't like it, don't read it. Free will kids. I would never denounce God and I know demonic influence when I see it. And that bitch Clinton stinks of it.

And yes.....we are allowed to hate evil. For evil is the opposite of good and the light.

A Time for Everything under Gods heavens.
I just get a little confused as to what or who God is.

I have a feeling if a God or Gods actually exists then it will be the same for everything living on this planet.

I'm not entirely sure how many religions have existed on this planet since humans have had the ability to express themselves in regard to this, but I'm pretty certain Christianity along with the other major religions that currently exist will seem just as preposterous as what Gods such as Zeus, Isis, Enki and Thor appear to us today.

All of those Gods that are now distant memories were just as real to those people that worshipped them as what the God of Christianity is to Christians today and of course every other religions God/s that has been created to serve the purpose of control and wealth.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:42 pm
by Fug1
The other issue I have with religion (not a God or Gods) is for example, if a left handed woman was suspected of being a witch she would be thrown into the river or whatever, if she drowned she wasn't witch, if she survived she was.

You may argue people have evolved from those days, but a religion shouldn't evolve, it should be what it is now as it was then.

If you can tweak or change a belief system then you have to question why it needed to be tweaked in the first place.

Unless of course it's PEOPLE that manipulate religion and not the God or Gods that have changed there mind.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 3:58 pm
by Rossco
rorymac wrote:I agree with Royals that there ought to be no restriction on religion in the Presidential thread .. it's also really heartening to see the tolerance generally at least on there for such posts imo. So fair play to this forum !
On this thread I'd like to ask folks how they found God eg Rossco

There are spiritual principles around love, behaviour and tolerance that when practised always gives the strongest sense of a power greater than any human. Well folks find their own proof and some even have an understanding of it. It can be real easy to get offended and defensive when that is dismissed and ridiculed but allowing yourself to react to that is directly opposed to that faith in the first place. Hard but true.

I don't get why a devout Christian would care less who is elected anywhere or whether Britain is in or out of the EU though. If it's all playing out as prophecised what does it even matter ? I mean it makes no sense to me why straightforward 'socialism' is described by Royals as 'Satanic' .. that's like mind boggling and ridiculous.

And I was talking to a Muslim fella and he actually said that it's better to be atheist than to believe Jesus is the son of Allah. And he said to never joke about Allah .. well like fuck off. The problem is when folks start to believe they KNOW more than it is humanly possible. In this life there will always be more huge massive questions than answers .. eg ask any real practising spiritual person of any persuasion what/who God is and they plain don't know. Just that there is a force and that it is without a doubt benign .. even I know that. Most of them can't bring themselves to say that mind cos they're only human and it's not natural to mind appearing daft. It's why it's a piece of piss to be an atheist .. although it's also very incorrect imho .. heh !

You don't have to believe in any God to recognise the globalist agenda and the corporate media as inherently plain malevolent or that New Labour and the BBC were/are anything but socialist .. or that political correctness is a fucking disgrace .. or that Communism can be corrupted by cunts. And it's important to see where religion gets stuff right.
But I don't get it's significance re the US election in all fairness. If you believe in the bible and a Christian God why is it important that Donald Trump is elected ?

So how did folks come to believe is what I'm interested in is all tbf. Not that it's any of my business but if you don't ask and that.
Long story. But I didn't find God. God found me. And I know all holy-rollers say that. I have heard it many times since going to church. Which I don't do as much now but when feel the need I go.

Not that I have anything against them finding God. That is good, just encase it comes across like that. It is hard to type out Rory and to understand and make sense as it was so out there. Easier to tell in person TBH. But they say oh yeah God found me to. I say yeah so you weren't doing anything at all. Like I wasn't doing anything. Well were you reading a Bible, I ask? Friends or family who were talking to you about God? Going to a church? Then they say yeah in one of these forms or something close. And then I say well I wasn't looking at all. I was happy enough with my wee life, not that it was much but it was mine. I didn't even own a Bible. Last time at church was years ago....a kid in primary school we are talking here. None of my friends believe in God. Some were like me and just, well I have no proof so until I do...nah not for me beeky.

It was very supernatural. In the dictionary meaning of that word. Was a woman involved that I was going out with, and it happened in her house over months. Started slow, built up and at times took the piss. Even talked down the phone once while we were talking it got that bold. By that stage even I was OK, this is something....but at the start it was bangs, bumps, something walking about upstairs when no one there. That type of thing. I put it down to pipes, neighbours etc etc, cause I am a man don't you know woman now stop jumping at shadows and bring that fine little ass over here. Women seem to be more open minded to the spirit world. Maybe because us men are more physical by nature or how we have been conditioned. Whichever way you want to look at it.

Anyhow she tried to get psychics in as women do. But most couldn't make it, or something had come up when they were meant to come. I did say to her. These lot are avoiding you like a bird avoids me that isn't interested. They didn't want to know. Can't blame them TBH. Cause it wasn't a ghost that she thought and I kind of had to agree with because shit was getting just to weird. And this was after months.

Anyhow in the end it made it clear what it was, it was a demon. Yes they are real. How they work, why they choose to go after some and not others....I can't answer. So don't ask. It was breaking her down. And for a 23 year old woman she was tough. Tougher than most but still a wee looker. She has been through a lot and it made her tough. But she wa breaking down in the end. The last night. It was taking the piss. A lot of that night is to private. But in the end I had enough. she always said don't get angry as it will feed of that, and thaqt made/makes sense. But I had enough. So dickhead here in his wisdom begs the thing for a fight, make itself physical so we can go at it and stop acting like a wee bitch. But of course it didn't or couldn't or whatever. It is an entity/spirit and pure evil after all. I won't go into what it done for me to know this as that is to much and to personal. But I knew once it done what it done, it was evil. No if, buts or doubts.

So I went down stairs for a smoke. Raging. And sitting on her sofa so angry but feeling so useless at the same time because it isn't like a fella you can say. OK lets go and it will no matter how big or bad. That option isn't there. So I was raging. Trust me on that. Then this peace, warmth came over me like you would not believe. And I was 38 at the time. And I know myself. I know who I am. Have sat in solitary in prison by myself and my thoughts and feeling 23 hours a day with nothing else for I know me. That wasn't off me. No way, no how. It wasn't off anything of this world as I knew it either. I knew it was God. How did I know? Well once you know, you know....because you know.

After that I asked him for him to help her. He did. And I knew there is a God and he is real.

That is how I came about. And the good thing is their is another involved and she knows too :D If had of been alone then I might doubt at times because that is what this world would have. And who rules this world would have. But no getting away from that. I got it strong, I got it real and I wasn't looking for it.

Does it change a man? What do you think Rory? It changes a man. Never see things the same after that. I am dealing, I am learning. I am good some days. I am weak some days. I get it back to front some days. But I trust and love God with all of my heart. How could I not. He stepped in and took care of that thing that I couldn't. And if I don't make the cut then all I can do is thank him. And that I well when I meet him.

So the God haters have a lot to mock there Rory. Or just the ones who want to mock me....hey whatever. Like I care what humans think after that....I'll let you work that out yourself dude. But I would say this. Did I ever talk about God before? I don't believe so. No reason to. And would I make this up and bring it here. If so why would I do that? What would be my gain.

You asked me, I have told you. Some bits left out but like I said there was another involved and she is a believer now as well. And like me at that time.....far from God.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:17 pm
by Rossco
Fug1 wrote:
Rossco wrote:But also let me make it clear that if I feel the need to bring up God or the Devil in the US election thread. It will be done.

If don't like that then ban me. As I will do it if I feel I need to. Simple as.

Don't like it, don't read it. Free will kids. I would never denounce God and I know demonic influence when I see it. And that bitch Clinton stinks of it.

And yes.....we are allowed to hate evil. For evil is the opposite of good and the light.

A Time for Everything under Gods heavens.
I just get a little confused as to what or who God is.

I have a feeling if a God or Gods actually exists then it will be the same for everything living on this planet.

I'm not entirely sure how many religions have existed on this planet since humans have had the ability to express themselves in regard to this, but I'm pretty certain Christianity along with the other major religions that currently exist will seem just as preposterous as what Gods such as Zeus, Isis, Enki and Thor appear to us today.

All of those Gods that are now distant memories were just as real to those people that worshipped them as what the God of Christianity is to Christians today and of course every other religions God/s that has been created to serve the purpose of control and wealth.
Read the post above dude. It might help.

As to other religions and gods. I looked into most as I done a lot of reading the months after to know that the presence I was in was the one and only God and that is the God of the Holy Bible. The rest all fall down or fail to mention things.

It's to complex to type out how I know. But once you know, you know. And I don't mean that gelb but after typing out all the above. You will have to excuse me because I don't have all the answers. And never will. But I know what I went through and I know that the God of the Holy Bible is the only one true God. The rest IMO are there to deceive. And who is the deceiver? Indeed. But that is my take on other religions. I don't care enough for them to argue. I just tell people how I see it and how people go is their choice. That I believe is the free will bit.

Hope this kind of helps. I am still very young in all this and I really wasn't looking it. Not ungrateful, but a lot to take in at times.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:18 pm
by Royal24s
Hard to add to that. Rossco got a nasty and dangerous bump into the reality of the supernatural, and I have not one tiny doubt that his account is accurate, since I have witnessed events like that.
Other paths are possible though, which often come from skeptisism oddly enough. If a man should truly seek logical truth and work hard to find it, he will eventually reach a point where he has excluded all other possibilities. At that point he may open his mind to a plane of thought no longer restricted by the ridicule of those he had believed to be clever till he found the gaping holes in their teachings. He may then test the Word of God without the contamination of false teachings and discover that it is the one philosophy which cannot be found wanting.
Such a man would first have to be able to overcome his own ego and exaggerated sense of his own ability to reason about things he cannot know for himself.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 4:25 pm
by Royal24s
Witness the power of God though. Rossco was given a wonderful gift which pushed him through all those decades of agonising study and he shot past me like a bolt of lightening. I know there is a very special reason for that.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 6:40 pm
by Fug1
Rossco wrote:
Fug1 wrote:
Rossco wrote:But also let me make it clear that if I feel the need to bring up God or the Devil in the US election thread. It will be done.

If don't like that then ban me. As I will do it if I feel I need to. Simple as.

Don't like it, don't read it. Free will kids. I would never denounce God and I know demonic influence when I see it. And that bitch Clinton stinks of it.

And yes.....we are allowed to hate evil. For evil is the opposite of good and the light.

A Time for Everything under Gods heavens.
I just get a little confused as to what or who God is.

I have a feeling if a God or Gods actually exists then it will be the same for everything living on this planet.

I'm not entirely sure how many religions have existed on this planet since humans have had the ability to express themselves in regard to this, but I'm pretty certain Christianity along with the other major religions that currently exist will seem just as preposterous as what Gods such as Zeus, Isis, Enki and Thor appear to us today.

All of those Gods that are now distant memories were just as real to those people that worshipped them as what the God of Christianity is to Christians today and of course every other religions God/s that has been created to serve the purpose of control and wealth.
Read the post above dude. It might help.

As to other religions and gods. I looked into most as I done a lot of reading the months after to know that the presence I was in was the one and only God and that is the God of the Holy Bible. The rest all fall down or fail to mention things.

It's to complex to type out how I know. But once you know, you know. And I don't mean that gelb but after typing out all the above. You will have to excuse me because I don't have all the answers. And never will. But I know what I went through and I know that the God of the Holy Bible is the only one true God. The rest IMO are there to deceive. And who is the deceiver? Indeed. But that is my take on other religions. I don't care enough for them to argue. I just tell people how I see it and how people go is their choice. That I believe is the free will bit.

Hope this kind of helps. I am still very young in all this and I really wasn't looking it. Not ungrateful, but a lot to take in at times.

I read the above post Rossco, still don't get what you are saying.

If you are prepared to dismiss (albeit) after researching every other religion, god or belief because you draw the conclusion that Christianity was indeed the one true religion then thats fine.

Let's call your one true Christian belief red.

I like Blue.

Don't mis-read my mistrust of people to a mis-trust of God/s.

Are you saying only 3billion people that loosely call themselves Christian are correct and every other living thing that has ever breathed a breath on this planet is wrong?

If that is what you are saying, then that is probably why I think your man made religion is at best flawed.

I take it you only consider the new testament as your frame of referance?

The Bible used EVERY story from antiquity.

I will give you as many examples that you would like.

Let's start with Adam and Eve.

In your faith can you give me a timeline from then to now.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:01 pm
by Carlos J
A post that resonates, Rossco, and similar to others I know about their err finding/calling/realising but in different circumstances.

As per, glad you have found your happiness.

The basic tenets of all religions are not to hate. Wish it was still so.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:13 pm
by rorymac
Thanks for your post Rossco, respect and agree ..what a gift .. that moment when you just knew and everything changed. Feels a bit cheeky to ask another question tbh but just one if ok .. how did you go from that moment to knowing it was the Christian God as in the bible .. difficult to word as obv it is just God (to yourself) but ykwim ? Was that instant too ?

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 7:30 pm
by The Tick
phpBB [video]

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:56 pm
by Rossco
Royal24s wrote:Witness the power of God though. Rossco was given a wonderful gift which pushed him through all those decades of agonising study and he shot past me like a bolt of lightening. I know there is a very special reason for that.
Maybe, I don't know. I wasn't asking nor looking and I am dealing. What else can I do.

All I know is that I have to live in this world as well and it isn't easy at times. But all I can be is me. The heart isn't bad most of the time. The head.....well now that is a mess and this didn't help at times. But it was a boot to the back of the head so to speak. Takes a bit of adjusting. A 180 turn on everything you thought you knew.... All in all I would love to put everyone I know in the same thing, what happened and then watch how they come out the other side. Just to see if I am doing OK or really making a mess here.

But all I can do is trust. Because the rest is at times like putting square pegs through round holes.

I will be honest, that I can do.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 7:58 pm
by Rossco
The Tick wrote:
phpBB [video]
Westboro are a phy-ops operation. Nothing more, nothing less.

They are part of the game. They got worldwide exposure. Enough said.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:19 pm
by Rossco
rorymac wrote:Thanks for your post Rossco, respect and agree ..what a gift .. that moment when you just knew and everything changed. Feels a bit cheeky to ask another question tbh but just one if ok .. how did you go from that moment to knowing it was the Christian God as in the bible .. difficult to word as obv it is just God (to yourself) but ykwim ? Was that instant too ?
Pretty much. Yeah. I knew it was God. I spent months after reading a lot of stuff online. The Bible, different things from different regions. It was the only one which covered what I felt. The presence. The bits about spirit of God in the Bible. That I get 100%. The demons bit and how they deceive rang true as well but it was the spirit of God that was the one that I knew that was the presence I was in Rory. Hard to write, hard to explain. But once you know, you know....because know lol It is what it is. I know that doesn't make much sense reading but it really is hard to explain. The warmth and love was unreal. But there is a righteous vibe there as well.

Jesus as well. Once I read most of The Gospels it rang true. They covered a lot of what it was.

I piss and moan at times lol I do....being honest. I am grateful it just I didn't get much of a warm-up. It was a cold start. But I am dealing. I am lucky, or am I getting what I need should I say for that is the truth. Any time it gets to heavy someone pops up out of no where or on of them ones on Facebook who you never even knew was there. And always they are a looker and they want to talk. So he is good to me that way and I am grateful. And the other half at the time involved is good. She is getting there and she has peace. Took a while for her to talk about it but once she did it was a huge lift of me. Knowing she is a believer and she is safe from demonic influence. They will mess around with us and she knows this as well because they lost a soldier that night. And that is what it was to them as it is spiritual warfare. And The Bible mentions this a few times, another reason why it rang true to me. But like me she trusts in God. And he made a promise that he would never leave us.

The main problem is me being me. I am coming to a point where I have to make a bit of a choice. But that will come and I know which way I am going. It just means leaving things behind and that isn't easy at times.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:38 pm
by Rossco
Fug1 wrote:
Rossco wrote:
Fug1 wrote:
Rossco wrote:But also let me make it clear that if I feel the need to bring up God or the Devil in the US election thread. It will be done.

If don't like that then ban me. As I will do it if I feel I need to. Simple as.

Don't like it, don't read it. Free will kids. I would never denounce God and I know demonic influence when I see it. And that bitch Clinton stinks of it.

And yes.....we are allowed to hate evil. For evil is the opposite of good and the light.

A Time for Everything under Gods heavens.
I just get a little confused as to what or who God is.

I have a feeling if a God or Gods actually exists then it will be the same for everything living on this planet.

I'm not entirely sure how many religions have existed on this planet since humans have had the ability to express themselves in regard to this, but I'm pretty certain Christianity along with the other major religions that currently exist will seem just as preposterous as what Gods such as Zeus, Isis, Enki and Thor appear to us today.

All of those Gods that are now distant memories were just as real to those people that worshipped them as what the God of Christianity is to Christians today and of course every other religions God/s that has been created to serve the purpose of control and wealth.
Read the post above dude. It might help.

As to other religions and gods. I looked into most as I done a lot of reading the months after to know that the presence I was in was the one and only God and that is the God of the Holy Bible. The rest all fall down or fail to mention things.

It's to complex to type out how I know. But once you know, you know. And I don't mean that gelb but after typing out all the above. You will have to excuse me because I don't have all the answers. And never will. But I know what I went through and I know that the God of the Holy Bible is the only one true God. The rest IMO are there to deceive. And who is the deceiver? Indeed. But that is my take on other religions. I don't care enough for them to argue. I just tell people how I see it and how people go is their choice. That I believe is the free will bit.

Hope this kind of helps. I am still very young in all this and I really wasn't looking it. Not ungrateful, but a lot to take in at times.

I read the above post Rossco, still don't get what you are saying.

If you are prepared to dismiss (albeit) after researching every other religion, god or belief because you draw the conclusion that Christianity was indeed the one true religion then thats fine.

Let's call your one true Christian belief red.

I like Blue.

Don't mis-read my mistrust of people to a mis-trust of God/s.

Are you saying only 3billion people that loosely call themselves Christian are correct and every other living thing that has ever breathed a breath on this planet is wrong?

If that is what you are saying, then that is probably why I think your man made religion is at best flawed.

I take it you only consider the new testament as your frame of referance?

The Bible used EVERY story from antiquity.

I will give you as many examples that you would like.

Let's start with Adam and Eve.

In your faith can you give me a timeline from then to now.
I don't get what you are saying or asking. What about Adam and Eve?

I don't have all the answers. I do know that the Bible says not all will know God or see him. So if that's means what it means then yeah I guess many won't. Don't know the numbers and they aren't important to me. A lot of it isn't important to me. But think that is fair considering how I meet God. I wasn't looking. See that was the bit I found really hard but the other involved asked me was I reading my Bible. I said bits, which was true. She said you do know about Gods elect. I didn't. Long story short she said God picks and chooses. She reckons before we are even born. What I do know is that the Bible does back her up. It is in there. No matter what we do Good or Bad God will call who he calls. His chosen. His elect.

I guess he called me. Maybe he will do the same to you and others reading this. I don't know. All I know is what I know. God is real. That much I know.

And let me make this clear. I am very loose with the Bible. I hardly go to church. And I was not in any way, shape or form looking, seeking God or a higher power. I was OK. I was having fun with a good looking woman 16 years younger than me at the time. I was happy with watching football, having a drink and pretty much just getting along with it same as the rest for the most part.

Let me make that bit clear. Because that is important.

And I don't have all the answers. What I have said here is the truth. It is what it is.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:42 pm
by caveman
Thanks for posting all of this rossco
gives a lot to think about

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:46 pm
by Rossco
Royal24s wrote:Witness the power of God though. Rossco was given a wonderful gift which pushed him through all those decades of agonising study and he shot past me like a bolt of lightening. I know there is a very special reason for that.
:lol: :lol:

I see now what you meant after reading the last couple after. Like I know that much about the Bible :shock:

I think they think I am like how I think the church type holy roller types are...when they say they weren't looking God :lol: :lol:

I don't think they get just how far left and out of the box this was for me. But yeah. Gods Elect. Because the rest is just to much for me Royal. Straight up dude.

Hitting the sack. God bless dude.

And thank you for the support. I really appreciate it. You know much more than me when it comes to the Bible verses I think but to be fair I know things as soon as I read them. Strange but true. And I must start reading again as I have slide a wee bit. But hey, he knows me so I ain't sweating it.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:52 pm
by Rossco
caveman wrote:Thanks for posting all of this rossco
gives a lot to think about
Your welcome. Is the truth as far out there as it sounds. And I get that. Wasn't that long ago I never knew God or would have even dreamt of typing this. But it is the truth none the less.

There is things on Google to read if interests you. And most of all and this I mean. To you and anyone. God is real, he is there. Talk to him, but really talk to him. As your heart is, because he already knows how it is. Go to him real. Even if angry about life. And just lay it out. But just be real if you really want to talk to him. Remember God is God so it might not be instant but I honestly believe with all of my heart that if anyone goes to him real and true...and that is the key. Real and true because he knows your hearts so no point bullshitting as he will know. Then who knows.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:02 am
by m4 colin
I've often wondered Does god have a use for me ? Then one day John B Wells said
"Do not question for you were made for just such a time as this".

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:18 am
by Royal24s
Rossco wrote:
Royal24s wrote:Witness the power of God though. Rossco was given a wonderful gift which pushed him through all those decades of agonising study and he shot past me like a bolt of lightening. I know there is a very special reason for that.
:lol: :lol:

I see now what you meant after reading the last couple after. Like I know that much about the Bible :shock:

I think they think I am like how I think the church type holy roller types are...when they say they weren't looking God :lol: :lol:

I don't think they get just how far left and out of the box this was for me. But yeah. Gods Elect. Because the rest is just to much for me Royal. Straight up dude.

Hitting the sack. God bless dude.

And thank you for the support. I really appreciate it. You know much more than me when it comes to the Bible verses I think but to be fair I know things as soon as I read them. Strange but true. And I must start reading again as I have slide a wee bit. But hey, he knows me so I ain't sweating it.
Similarly, I'm the last person you'd have expected - or I'd have expected to have come to Christianity. I've had a fairly hard and nasty life in some ways, not that I regret any if it, and I really should be the man being berated from the pulpits of all churches because I've done most sins a lot and I was as cynical as anyone.
I came to a point though when things seemed to be going so bad that even I though "F*** me, we can't have this !" At that point I rather resented that there wasn't any Holy Joe lecturing people instead of me, because that's not ever how I saw myself. Nonetheless I couldn't stomach watching people being tricked into wickedness by lies and so I changed reluctantly.
Being me I studied it deeply and sought out the best teachers. You know enough about me to understand that I've got to seek proper training and try to get it right before I put my hands on something - that's probably just habitual.
Thing is though, that as I progressed reluctantly, out of some sense of duty which I wished someone else would do instead of me, I felt so much better about everything and developed much greater understanding than I'd had before .
I also think that I'd seen so much of the works of evil, which I have, that it was a choice to join it or oppose it, and I later understood that man cannot be good or evil, just choose which force he chooses to invite in. He is an empty vessel and he WILL be filled, and that's why he can't be neutral or invent his own third alternative position. God will only enter if you ask him, but the other thing won't ask for an invitation, so if you try to go it alone that just means you'll passively allow your own corruption.

I digress - what I'm saying Rossco, is that I'm no plaster saint either. Maybe it's because you and I have seen enough of the nasty side of life to see where it leads more clearly than some who've been lucky enough not to see and suffer really bad stuff.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:31 am
by Royal24s
m4 colin wrote:I've often wondered Does god have a use for me ? Then one day John B Wells said
"Do not question for you were made for just such a time as this".
Gods got a plan for you Colin. Interesting that I posted what I just posted then saw this.
You can resist His plan with the best of intentions, but once you really trust him, it will become more clear.
I'm not saying it will ever become totally clear, mind you, not in this life, but clearer than it was.
I was once exactly the sort of murderous drunken bastard who gave you so much trouble when you were in the rafpol. Then I was the hard case 70s detective who thought he was there to personally beat violent criminals into submission and defeat them by any means i thought necessary. All self appointed hero bullshit which probably made things worse not better with hindsight.
It was only when I caught onto the fact that I'd do better by listening to an infinitely wiser source than any man that I felt a bit better about the question you asked - which is one of the big ones.
Once again, I'm not saying I've achieved some kind of perfect wisdom like the old bloke in Karate Kid or anything. I'm stil an arsehole, but I say all that because it's definitely true and I thought it'd help.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 2:51 pm
by Rossco
Royal24s wrote:
Rossco wrote:
Royal24s wrote:Witness the power of God though. Rossco was given a wonderful gift which pushed him through all those decades of agonising study and he shot past me like a bolt of lightening. I know there is a very special reason for that.
:lol: :lol:

I see now what you meant after reading the last couple after. Like I know that much about the Bible :shock:

I think they think I am like how I think the church type holy roller types are...when they say they weren't looking God :lol: :lol:

I don't think they get just how far left and out of the box this was for me. But yeah. Gods Elect. Because the rest is just to much for me Royal. Straight up dude.

Hitting the sack. God bless dude.

And thank you for the support. I really appreciate it. You know much more than me when it comes to the Bible verses I think but to be fair I know things as soon as I read them. Strange but true. And I must start reading again as I have slide a wee bit. But hey, he knows me so I ain't sweating it.
Similarly, I'm the last person you'd have expected - or I'd have expected to have come to Christianity. I've had a fairly hard and nasty life in some ways, not that I regret any if it, and I really should be the man being berated from the pulpits of all churches because I've done most sins a lot and I was as cynical as anyone.
I came to a point though when things seemed to be going so bad that even I though "F*** me, we can't have this !" At that point I rather resented that there wasn't any Holy Joe lecturing people instead of me, because that's not ever how I saw myself. Nonetheless I couldn't stomach watching people being tricked into wickedness by lies and so I changed reluctantly.
Being me I studied it deeply and sought out the best teachers. You know enough about me to understand that I've got to seek proper training and try to get it right before I put my hands on something - that's probably just habitual.
Thing is though, that as I progressed reluctantly, out of some sense of duty which I wished someone else would do instead of me, I felt so much better about everything and developed much greater understanding than I'd had before .
I also think that I'd seen so much of the works of evil, which I have, that it was a choice to join it or oppose it, and I later understood that man cannot be good or evil, just choose which force he chooses to invite in. He is an empty vessel and he WILL be filled, and that's why he can't be neutral or invent his own third alternative position. God will only enter if you ask him, but the other thing won't ask for an invitation, so if you try to go it alone that just means you'll passively allow your own corruption.

I digress - what I'm saying Rossco, is that I'm no plaster saint either. Maybe it's because you and I have seen enough of the nasty side of life to see where it leads more clearly than some who've been lucky enough not to see and suffer really bad stuff.
Well I didn't ask for an invite. But I was made aware of John 15:16. So that give me peace and understanding. and it does fit in my case. And I did test the spirits.

But the things that trouble me always have been answered and fitted. Like a glove. And that again is how I know the word is real.

Keep studying. Keep learning. But always have true belief and true faith because this is what I think is the real essence. God will let you know what you need to know. He is like that. And love him with all of your heart.

But learning is good as well. Sure we will always be learning. Some are better at book learning, others in other ways. He will use who he uses as he sees fit.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:16 pm
by Roddy
Rossco,You only started believing in God the day your Giro came a day early. :lol:

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:53 pm
by Rossco
Roddy wrote:Rossco,You only started believing in God the day your Giro came a day early. :lol:
Wow Rodders...what great wit you have. Bet you slay the birds with that patter.

But whatever. You believe what you want. That is your choice and your right dude.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:32 pm
by Royal24s
It becomes harder and harder to express Christian views in our society. The mainstream churches have been politically infiltrated to a greater or lesser extent, and so Christians must increasingly find other avenues to express their faith and spread it , just as they had to in previous repressive situations.
Often we see hidden Christian messages in art and drama , just as we see all sorts of other hidden messages in literature and drama. This has been so since time immemorial , and the audience can take the message or not at their own discretion.
In this way, banned ideas and truths can be smuggled past the thought censors. They will often fly right over the heads of many of course, and the moment they are spotted they will be shut down , either by outright banning or the restriction of discussion to the most unintelligent and superficial level.
There are many examples of these covert expressions of free thought, even in today's dumbed down society, one very good example being the "Walking Dead" tv series . It poses massive moral, historical and theological questions which the intelligent viewer will recognise and consider - the ultimate test of faith in the face of mindless walking humans who have lost the part of their brain which sets them above lesser creatures - what the authors are saying is that they have lost their souls and are therefore the point of their humanity.
At one point near the end of series six, they are ended in great numbers by walking voluntarily into a lake of fire - an unlikely and difficult to filmoutcome dramatically, but one obviously intended as an allegory.

Re: A General Thread About Christianity

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 12:47 pm
by The Tick
Or maybe more people realise what a load of rubbish it really is.