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Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:06 am
by Rossco
kancutlawns wrote:
The Ghost of Alex Higgins wrote:GOD SQUAD
May the good Lord embrace you in his arms my dear sheep.
Spoken like people whom have never known Gods presence. Yeah there is a lot of love there. But there is also a lot of righteousness. Like nothing of this world let me tell youse boys.

But mock away if you must. But God. Well let me just say this.

He really doesn't mess about. He is fair but he is who he is. That I can say from my personal experiences.

But anyhow. How about all this here.

Lies all around and yet people mock and eat it up. Strange fruit.

phpBB [video]

Maybe better getting yourselves sorted out a wee bit than chatting nonsense and trying to be smart...and failing on this here. How about that for a bright idea lads?

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 10:20 am
by kancutlawns
Rossco wrote:
kancutlawns wrote:
The Ghost of Alex Higgins wrote:GOD SQUAD
May the good Lord embrace you in his arms my dear sheep.
Spoken like people whom have never known Gods presence. Yeah there is a lot of love there. But there is also a lot of righteousness. Like nothing of this world let me tell youse boys.

But mock away if you must. But God. Well let me just say this.

He really doesn't mess about. He is fair but he is who he is. That I can say from my personal experiences.

But anyhow. How about all this here.

Lies all around and yet people mock and eat it up. Strange fruit.

phpBB [video]

Maybe better getting yourselves sorted out a wee bit than chatting nonsense and trying to be smart...and failing on this here. How about that for a bright idea lads?
Typically big talk and assumptions though. You don't know my beliefs. You seem to have few redeemable traits that would give me enlightenment. I'm mocking you for appearing to be a prize berk not God.

You've obviously done something very bad on your life and have "found God" as you need to find some kind of deliverance. Fair enough, that's your right but it's a bit cuckoo of you to post your bizarre thought processes on here. It raises a bit of a chuckle to be fair. Every fundamentalist believer whether they're ISIS in Syria, the BJP in India, militants Bhuddists in Burma, Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, Khalistan Sikhs in Punjab or Neo Conservatives in the good old South all think they're following the path of righteousness.

It's just a club really. The best religious folk are those who practice their beliefs in private, have good character, pay charity and try to change the lives of those of others around them with positivity and harmony. Not someone who comes onto a messageboard posting lazily from YouTube, swallowing hang em high claptrap who lives in a shithole where there's still medieval sectarian bigotry and is obsessed with a female politician who he thinks is the devil. :lol:

Pull yourself together man and get a job FFS. You do make me laugh though tbf.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:03 am
by Rossco
kancutlawns wrote:
Rossco wrote:
kancutlawns wrote:
The Ghost of Alex Higgins wrote:GOD SQUAD
May the good Lord embrace you in his arms my dear sheep.
Spoken like people whom have never known Gods presence. Yeah there is a lot of love there. But there is also a lot of righteousness. Like nothing of this world let me tell youse boys.

But mock away if you must. But God. Well let me just say this.

He really doesn't mess about. He is fair but he is who he is. That I can say from my personal experiences.

But anyhow. How about all this here.

Lies all around and yet people mock and eat it up. Strange fruit.

phpBB [video]

Maybe better getting yourselves sorted out a wee bit than chatting nonsense and trying to be smart...and failing on this here. How about that for a bright idea lads?
Typically big talk and assumptions though. You don't know my beliefs. You seem to have few redeemable traits that would give me enlightenment. I'm mocking you for appearing to be a prize berk not God.

You've obviously done something very bad on your life and have "found God" as you need to find some kind of deliverance. Fair enough, that's your right but it's a bit cuckoo of you to post your bizarre thought processes on here. It raises a bit of a chuckle to be fair. Every fundamentalist believer whether they're ISIS in Syria, the BJP in India, militants Bhuddists in Burma, Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn, Khalistan Sikhs in Punjab or Neo Conservatives in the good old South all think they're following the path of righteousness.

It's just a club really. The best religious folk are those who practice their beliefs in private, have good character, pay charity and try to change the lives of those of others around them with positivity and harmony. Not someone who comes onto a messageboard posting lazily from YouTube, swallowing hang em high claptrap who lives in a shithole where there's still medieval sectarian bigotry and is obsessed with a female politician who he thinks is the devil. :lol:

Pull yourself together man and get a job FFS. You do make me laugh though tbf.
Very judgemental of you. That wee mask just slipped a wee bit Lawnsy. Lot of hate there in that post for what. Telling you not to mock God or believers. Hmmmm. Something for me to think about there and use my judgement, but in the right way. Because you know what of me? As for a job. Have one thanks, not that it matters in the big scheme of things really. But see the point...aye indeed. As for something really bad. No worse nor better than the average fella who has lived a little along the way. So again you speak like you know me.

You know nothing of me. As I know nothing of you. But I see you mock God and Jesus so your beliefs are nothing to me. Whatever you follow, if anything isn't the right one son. Telling you that for nothing.
As for religion I have no time for any off it. As for The Holy Bible I am told to praise God. Praise him name. Praise...look up the meaning. It isn't done in private lad. That may be other religions but as I have said Jesus had no time for them. He also said give me your sinners not your righteous, that is who I follow to the best of my poor ability at times. You say it should be positivity, Yep but in the right way. Telling lies to please isn't of God. We are told not to lie. Unlike other fake gods fools follow. I am told to be the light and the salt. That is what I try to do. Light to show truth through lies. That Youtube stuff you mock has more truth in a ten minute clip than 22 hours of non running MSM news. Why you think demon ridden Clinton cries about it. Indeed. Salt to tell the truth. This is the truth as I see it. If wrong then God will judge me. But you son are far from God so I care what you think. Again and as always..indeed.

So after your wee hateful, very judgemental rant like you know me and how I came to God which you know nothing off apart from 'I must have done a very bad thing' whatever that is even meant to mean. Although Royal knows the story. Don't think it was that bad on my part to be fair to myself like lol.

I have no hate for you I just think you are a foolish on many levels is all. My path is my path Lawnsey. I am happy enough. It is strange and has been strange but I'm a tough wee bastard and I have 100% trust and faith in My Lord God so what will be will be.

But thanks for judging and being so hateful there. Opened my eyes a little. Shame but hey. You have your reasons I guess.

P.S. Leave out the word sectarian bigotry when describing my views on Hillary Clinton. You clearly have no understanding of it's meaning. You are just hiding behind religion and P.C. ballix. Both of which I personally have no time for.

P.P.S. I have as much right to voice my views on this forum as anyone else. Don't like my views and they offended then don't read. Quite simple really.

Oh aye. And not once did I say Clinton was the devil. She is just a mid level demon ridden bitch there to do the bidding. Her handler Soros is more high level demoniac being but again he isn't the devil. And you seem to be missing a lot of the bigger picture. Why you think they are pushing her so hard....what is the end game there? Use that brain God give you for things that are important like this instead of using it to judge someone you haven't even meet and know nothing off. So if you are going to quote my views then at least have the decency to do it right. Thanks.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:21 am
by The Tick
Rossco, you don't go knocking on people's doors on sunday mornings do you?

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:24 am
by Rossco
And to anyone else whom my words offended. Block me. Don't read it. I will not be here and have people mock God and not point out to them that they are wrong. I just won't. They can say whatever back as that is fair but I will say my bit. How could I not.

We are all at war. The war for our souls. God is real as is the devil. Demons roam this earth. In many forms. It is the game and you are all part of it.

It is what it is.

Truth right here what this man says.

phpBB [video]

Clinton is against God and all he stands for. This I see and this I know.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:25 am
by Rossco
The Tick wrote:Rossco, you don't go knocking on people's doors on sunday mornings do you?
Nope I just break out the truth in The Hareford on a Sunday while watching the football.

Works better for me that way.

If Bas is still here he will get a chuckle out of that one no doubt.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:40 am
by kancutlawns
I have never nor would mock God or Jesus. I do believe in a devine presence. My view is that people from various religions follow the same God, certainly the three monotheistic ones do as they decend from Abraham.

The point I'm making to you is that it's the very fakers and charlatans you speak of who make coin and credibility from convincing a hell of a lot of people that their God, holy books are right and these people are those who benefit from war, religious conflict, hatred and violence in the world. A lot of people get suckered and recycling accusations of lies, MSM, false idols are really just a twist to consolidate one's own convictions. Everything though is just perception and varies from person to person.

Interesting that you see Royals as an authority who knows right from wrong. Again, that's your choice.

One further matter, we all form our own opinions on each other based on what's posted here and how it's interpreted. I'm sure that if you and I met and spoke face to face, we'd find a lot of common ground which isn't so easy to establish through words alone. I have no hate for you either despite my robust posting style and wish you well. We have our own opinions here and I guess that they are just that.

Have a good day Rossco.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:51 am
by The Ghost of Alex Higgins
I blocked you a long time ago but this is too LOLZ

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:02 pm
by Rossco
kancutlawns wrote:I have never no would mock God or Jesus. I do believe in a devine presence. My view is that people from various religions follow the same God, certainly the three monotheistic ones do as they decend from Abraham.

The point I'm making to you is that it's the very fakers and charlatans you speak of who make coin and credibility from convincing a hell of a lot of people that their God, holy books are right and these people are those who benefit from war, religious conflict, hatred and violence in the world. A lot of people get suckered and recycling accusations of lies, MSM, false idols are really just a twist to consolidate one's own convictions. Everything though is just perception and varies from person to person.

Interesting that you see Royals as an authority who knows right from wrong. Again, that's your choice.

One further matter, we all form our own opinions on each other based on what's posted here and how it's interpreted. I'm sure that if you and I met and spoke face to face, we'd find a lot of common ground which isn't so easy to establish through words alone. I have no hate for you either despite my robust posting style and wish you well. We have our own opinions here and I guess that they are just that.

Have a good day Rossco.

Just point being no need to be so personal on here with people at times. If meant being in jail. Nothing to bad. More daft but that was then. This is now. Was in solitary in jail once. Nothing but a bed and a Bible. Had quick look. Read few lines and said. Nah not for me. And went and thought wee thoughts in my wee bubble gum head :lol: Funny because it is true. So I get that people find it strange if nothing has happened to open their eyes to God. I do get that. I guess I could learn a more....hmmmm easier way. But I am who I am as well TBF here.

It is Hillary Clinton and what she stands for that I am against. Not my fellow man. Even if he is wrong. If God can show himself to a wretch like me then he can do it with anyone if he wants to. Don't ask me why me or how it works as haven't a clue. Still trying to get my wee head round some bits. It wasn't religion though Lawnsy. Trust me on that one. Wasn't even reading a Bible as never had one in the house or around me and last time I was in church before God found me was at a wedding when I was about 11. How I came about was real, and it was powerful. There was a demon involded. That is how I know they are real. And yes it sounds crazy if living totally in the physical world and that is all you know. I get it. Because I was there. Happy enough. But when things change and your eyes are opened. How you turn back from that? And another was involved so not just in my head. Was happening in her house and around her. So yeah. Crazy stuff it was. But God stepped in and that was that.

That is the truth. You can believe me or not. That is your choice and that I can understand and respect. Just don't mock God. Because dude, He really is real. Not doing it to be a dick or on a wonder troll. Although that would be something TBF. But I wouldn't have the brains for that. Let's be honest here like.. Doing it because well what is the other alternative. None of them add up for me. So think of me as that guy shouting 'Watch out for that car' to the person standing in the middle of the road not seeing the car because they are to busy checking their texts.

Yep. Have a good day as well Lawnsy. Got a new car :D But have to go do tax and insurance :(, fun, fun till my daddy took my T-Bird away.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:05 pm
by Rossco
The Ghost of Alex Higgins wrote:I blocked you a long time ago but this is too LOLZ
Well if giving people a laugh. Not the idea but at least more than you do. And you try so hard.

Yep. Personal but you troll, so whatever.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:08 pm
by kancutlawns
Good man. I guess we all go through change in our lives. Finding God helps a number of people get through terrible experiences and adds a purpose in life. No problem with that. It's those that sell religion and profit from chaos and warfare I have an issue with and in various religions.

Apologies for any offence caused and I'm sure we can get on well here. :) Well, as a Villa fan, I need the distraction.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:13 pm
by birdie
Flipping eck, will yous give the God schtick a rest, anyway, the way the world is going on at the moment I reckon she's right pissed off with it and decided she ain't nit going to do anything, especially with the bloody weather over the last few hours. :cry:

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:14 pm
by Zambo
Would they go as far as doing an 'El Cid' on Clinton and strap her to the rostrum. You know, I think they would.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 12:19 pm
by Rossco
kancutlawns wrote:Good man. I guess we all go through change in our lives. Finding God helps a number of people get through terrible experiences and adds a purpose in life. No problem with that. It's those that sell religion and profit from chaos and warfare I have an issue with and in various religions.

Apologies for any offence caused and I'm sure we can get on well here. :) Well, as a Villa fan, I need the distraction.
Lawnsy TBH I will speak the truth as I see it. If it offends, then it is what it is. God is the truth and the light. Jesus said. If this world hates you, remember it hated me first. If people like me cool. If not. Aw well. That isn't what it is about.

But yeah we can agree to disagree on things no doubt. And Jedi you buggers :( Good player. Will miss him at Palace. Heart like a tiger that one.

And God is real. So deal with it :D

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:28 pm
by m4 colin
kancutlawns wrote:
m4 colin wrote:Trumpybum is a Billionaire business man Ergo he aint a nice guy . But no one has in any way, however tenuously been able to link him with a string of murders of people who were either in his way or under investigation and likely to shop him in order to cut a deal. If he had it would be all over mainstream media 24/ 7
You're into satanism and the occult aren't you Colin? How come you're BFF with the drugged up wacky hallelujah squad? All very queer.
I certainly am not into satanism and I never have been. I have an interest in the occult and fortean subjects but I am not a participant . Know thine enemies.

God ? is it so hard for you to accept there is something greater than ourselves ?
Do you really think all that is came about by a gazillion to one chance?

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 6:37 pm
by kancutlawns
I refer you to my posts to Roscco regarding my belief in a higher power.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:24 pm
by Ralph
m4 colin wrote:
kancutlawns wrote:
m4 colin wrote:Trumpybum is a Billionaire business man Ergo he aint a nice guy . But no one has in any way, however tenuously been able to link him with a string of murders of people who were either in his way or under investigation and likely to shop him in order to cut a deal. If he had it would be all over mainstream media 24/ 7
You're into satanism and the occult aren't you Colin? How come you're BFF with the drugged up wacky hallelujah squad? All very queer.
I certainly am not into satanism and I never have been. I have an interest in the occult and fortean subjects but I am not a participant . Know thine enemies.

God ? is it so hard for you to accept there is something greater than ourselves ?
Do you really think all that is came about by a gazillion to one chance?
How did God come about?

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 7:42 pm
by Roddy
If everybody in the world happily and without being forced took down brick by brick their places of worship would the world keep spinning round the sun?
Would the people observing the universe though telescopes notice any differences like demons flying down to punish the non believers?

The older you get the more you believe in God it's kind of after live insurance policy because you can't over that this is it just this life and the panic sends you to believe in God.
After that you have the right (in your own mind)to punish anybody who disagrees with your after life insurance policy.

Stop wasting your time praying,chanting and giving your money to build other places of worship(hate factories)for the sake of humanity and put your energy and resoures to try and find a way to get off the earth and inhabit other planets.


Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:16 pm
by Rossco
Roddy wrote:If everybody in the world happily and without being forced took down brick by brick their places of worship would the world keep spinning round the sun?
Would the people observing the universe though telescopes notice any differences like demons flying down to punish the non believers?

The older you get the more you believe in God it's kind of after live insurance policy because you can't over that this is it just this life and the panic sends you to believe in God.
After that you have the right (in your own mind)to punish anybody who disagrees with your after life insurance policy.

Stop wasting your time praying,chanting and giving your money to build other places of worship(hate factories)for the sake of humanity and put your energy and resoures to try and find a way to get off the earth and inhabit other planets.


Apart from the you don't need a building to worship God . Which you are 100% right Rodders. That I give an amen.

The rest. Way of the mark IMO but that is your choice dude. As for wasting time praying. Nah that works it is just how you approach God is all. Do it right. In the right way and mean it. You might just be surprised. I hope you are if you do.

Even just talk to him. Really talk to him. Your true heart. Lay it out there to him. Sure he knows it all anyhow. He is there. Don't let this world fool you into thinking he isn't. Trust me on this one.

Because stop and look around you. Things are changing. If you can't feel and see these changes then I really don't know. You are already on another planet. Because things are moving and happening all over the place.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:23 pm
by Royal24s
Rossco wrote:
Roddy wrote:If everybody in the world happily and without being forced took down brick by brick their places of worship would the world keep spinning round the sun?
Would the people observing the universe though telescopes notice any differences like demons flying down to punish the non believers?

The older you get the more you believe in God it's kind of after live insurance policy because you can't over that this is it just this life and the panic sends you to believe in God.
After that you have the right (in your own mind)to punish anybody who disagrees with your after life insurance policy.

Stop wasting your time praying,chanting and giving your money to build other places of worship(hate factories)for the sake of humanity and put your energy and resoures to try and find a way to get off the earth and inhabit other planets.

Listen to Rosco, Roddy. His words are wise and true.
I would add that Christians don't want to punish non believers - that's another philosophy .
Non believers may suffer because they may miss out on the benefits of faith in the next world and certainly do in this one. The only reason Christians " come after you" is to try to help you get these benefits too. They don't want to punish you though.
It's very hard to know where to pitch it Roddy because common sense will tell you that people don't want anyone interfering with their belief system or nagging them and telling them they're wrong but on the other hand you feel a duty to offer them a hand if they seem at all interested in the subject .

Apart from the you don't need a building to worship God . Which you are 100% right Rodders. That I give an amen.

The rest. Way of the mark IMO but that is your choice dude. As for wasting time praying. Nah that works it is just how you approach God is all. Do it right. In the right way and mean it. You might just be surprised. I hope you are if you do.

Even just talk to him. Really talk to him. Your true heart. Lay it out there to him. Sure he knows it all anyhow. He is there. Don't let this world fool you into thinking he isn't. Trust me on this one.

Because stop and look around you. Things are changing. If you can't feel and see these changes then I really don't know. You are already on another planet. Because things are moving and happening all over the place.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 9:37 pm
by Roddy
If posters from the religion who Royals and others have trouble with had clogged up this and the other USA thread with their proclamations of how great their prophet is they would very,very,very pissed off.

Start a Jesus thread so normal people don't have to look at the rambling of you people.
No one gives a fuck about some Jewish whore who told a lie and said she was a virgin 2000+ years ago.

Trump brings out the worst in the bible bashers. :D

If Billy Graham can't sort it out then no way you people can.

phpBB [video]

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:29 pm
by Royal24s
Roddy wrote:If posters from the religion who Royals and others have trouble with had clogged up this and the other USA thread with their proclamations of how great their prophet is they would very,very,very pissed off.

Start a Jesus thread so normal people don't have to look at the rambling of you people.
No one gives a fuck about some Jewish whore who told a lie and said she was a virgin 2000+ years ago.

Trump brings out the worst in the bible bashers. :D

If Billy Graham can't sort it out then no way you people can.

It's kind of a shame you felt you had to say that Roddy.
Actually though , there's a spiritual element to this and all other matters, and I think that's how it started. I cant find it in myself to apologise for mentioning God, but I do regret that I upset you.

phpBB [video]

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:33 pm
by m4rkb
kancutlawns wrote:I have never nor would mock God or Jesus. I do believe in a devine presence. My view is that people from various religions follow the same God, certainly the three monotheistic ones do as they decend from Abraham.

The point I'm making to you is that it's the very fakers and charlatans you speak of who make coin and credibility from convincing a hell of a lot of people that their God, holy books are right and these people are those who benefit from war, religious conflict, hatred and violence in the world. A lot of people get suckered and recycling accusations of lies, MSM, false idols are really just a twist to consolidate one's own convictions. Everything though is just perception and varies from person to person.

Interesting that you see Royals as an authority who knows right from wrong. Again, that's your choice.

One further matter, we all form our own opinions on each other based on what's posted here and how it's interpreted. I'm sure that if you and I met and spoke face to face, we'd find a lot of common ground which isn't so easy to establish through words alone. I have no hate for you either despite my robust posting style and wish you well. We have our own opinions here and I guess that they are just that.
This is why community leaders were invented, so divisions could be sown and those leading them could almost turn them into a business.

Take all that away and there'd be plenty of common ground.

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:49 pm
by Royal24s
m4rkb wrote:
kancutlawns wrote:I have never nor would mock God or Jesus. I do believe in a devine presence. My view is that people from various religions follow the same God, certainly the three monotheistic ones do as they decend from Abraham.

The point I'm making to you is that it's the very fakers and charlatans you speak of who make coin and credibility from convincing a hell of a lot of people that their God, holy books are right and these people are those who benefit from war, religious conflict, hatred and violence in the world. A lot of people get suckered and recycling accusations of lies, MSM, false idols are really just a twist to consolidate one's own convictions. Everything though is just perception and varies from person to person.

Interesting that you see Royals as an authority who knows right from wrong. Again, that's your choice.

One further matter, we all form our own opinions on each other based on what's posted here and how it's interpreted. I'm sure that if you and I met and spoke face to face, we'd find a lot of common ground which isn't so easy to establish through words alone. I have no hate for you either despite my robust posting style and wish you well. We have our own opinions here and I guess that they are just that.
This is why community leaders were invented, so divisions could be sown and those leading them could almost turn them into a business.

Take all that away and there'd be plenty of common ground.
How remarkable that you said that - see what I just posted in the Paul Gascoine thread !

Re: Hillary collapsing all over the place

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 2:25 am
by Carlos J
Roddy wrote:If posters from the religion who Royals and others have trouble with had clogged up this and the other USA thread with their proclamations of how great their prophet is they would very,very,very pissed off.

Start a Jesus thread so normal people don't have to look at the rambling of you people.
No one gives a fuck about some Jewish whore who told a lie and said she was a virgin 2000+ years ago.

Trump brings out the worst in the bible bashers. :D

If Billy Graham can't sort it out then no way you people can.

phpBB [video]
As always. Whatever topic, there is a Spacemen 3 song. Two greats and two versions of the finest, fast or slow you pays your money in the collection plate:

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]