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The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:39 pm
by Royal24s

Notwithstanding the interjection of a desperate paragraph of propaganda in the middle of this article by a BBC goon, I think the photograph says everything we have been yearning to hear and longing to see.
The weasel words of our corrupt outgoing politicians and media now sound completely hollow and desperate as even they must face the facts that they're losing their grip upon the people's rights and the people's money. Each time they lecture the general public that they would be stupid or wicked to vote against the anti family, anti national and anti truth fake liberal establishment , the people defy them. After their initial outrage, they go into denial and convince each other it was just a glitch.
They carry on as usual as if nothing had happened , ignoring the armies of freedom now battering the doors of their evil fortress and demanding their world back.

The political climate is now highly charged with a powerful current of truth and freedom which must inevitably destroy their regime, and we can see the signs that even they know it now.
How can we, in Britain, best make sure that we play our full part in this renaissance of truth and liberty?
The referrendum voters exist and merely need to be organised and properly led to victory for a new party of change in the next General Election.
How can that be done ?

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:56 pm
by Roy Twing
The problem I think is that, despite this opinion in the piece - "To be anti-establishment now is to be mainstream", - we're not there yet, and until/if the mainstream media and establishment admit we're actually not fruitcakes, racists & loonies, we never will.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 2:47 pm
by m4rkb
I agree with all of what was said but unfortunately the 'new party' bit is the Achilles heel albeit the absolute solution. Despite millions of working class labour voters being pro brexit and anti mass immigration and globalism, a standard general election would just see the Labour party claim all their votes are for a return to the EU, mass immigration and globalism which I beleive their core vote DOES NOT REALLY BELIEVE IN.

Working class Left and right seem remarkably in unison over brexit but the massive divide opens back up when their respective parties get involved.

But I live in hope.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:29 pm
by Royal24s
I think most of them can see they've been conned by politicians of all sides with their fake opposing beliefs.
What unites good people is plain common sense and good intentions, and it is obvious they're not going to get either from the present parties.
We need a new party which unites good people rather than dividing them tribally between two obsolete theories which never worked in the first place.
The question is though, who will step up and create it ?
It would be unthinkable that we could miss this opportunity to " build Jerusalem ".

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 4:02 pm
by m4rkb
I always feel the right wingers are easier to spot as they are so blatant. The do-gooding left sell you a dream which is hard to argue with but ultimately a nightmare.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:05 pm
by Royal24s
I'd dispute that they really mean good at the leadership level, and I've never personally found it a convincing or plausible scheme, but I'd really have thought anyone could see the 100% failure record of countries who tried socialism, the millions of deaths and unimaginable human suffering without one single example of success .
I'd say that anyone who still recommends it must either be incredibly ignorant about history or unfathomably irrational .

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 6:09 pm
by Royal24s
Which reminds me actually , haven't seen the tick around recently. Hope he/ she hasn't become radicalised and gone off to defend Isis or become moribund about the American
vote .

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 8:23 pm
by m4rkb
The Tick has 'other hobbies' :wink:

But it's interesting how when the people get nowt in these regimes there's always plenty of organisations with the words "The People's " at the start of them like it's some kind of reassurance. The Peoples army in Korea doesn't do much for the people if I'm not mistaken. And the People's court in China only keeps them all in check.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:23 pm
by Petingo
I must be missing sommat.

More people actually voted againd Trump than wot voted for him.

Brexit was gained with a very slim majority, and even at that, was endorsed by what, about 30 to 40% of the electorate.

Hardly a sign of a mass movement of lovahs of libertah on the march, innit

Contrary to the longings of some on the lunatic fringe in this here bailwick, progressive liberal values will not be trampled underfoot in perpetuity by demagogues peddling lies and innuendo and whom, when given their "victory", have not got the foggiest notion how to go forward, given their own lack of belief in their own lies.

Suddenly Obamacare doesn't need to be dismantled on day one.

The Mexican wall was merely a "good election device".

Watch this space, you guys.

The good guys are still here :)

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:53 pm
by kooster
How about someone starting a "Common sense Party" which is held to account by the electorate rather than the Whitehall goons.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:49 pm
by Royal24s
Petingo wrote:I must be missing sommat.

More people actually voted againd Trump than wot voted for him.

Brexit was gained with a very slim majority, and even at that, was endorsed by what, about 30 to 40% of the electorate.

Hardly a sign of a mass movement of lovahs of libertah on the march, innit

Contrary to the longings of some on the lunatic fringe in this here bailwick, progressive liberal values will not be trampled underfoot in perpetuity by demagogues peddling lies and innuendo and whom, when given their "victory", have not got the foggiest notion how to go forward, given their own lack of belief in their own lies.

Suddenly Obamacare doesn't need to be dismantled on day one.

The Mexican wall was merely a "good election device".

Watch this space, you guys.

The good guys are still here :)
Yeah you're missing, or probably choosing to miss, a great deal . All very well you grasping at straws and trying to phrase things in a particular way as if it negates reality, but there's a thing called a critical mass, and we've achieved it.
I pointed out above that we've won the day, but there are still pocket of resistance to be mopped up. That doesn't matter because it's too late for them to recover if we continue to press them.
It has been made safe to speak out against the State now, and more and more people will do it. They can no longer tell us what to think or how we should express our thoughts.

If you think a bit of old bollocks about some perceived , ( by you), potential setbacks will halt the march to liberty, you're wrong. The numbers will only grow from here and eventually you might feel safe enough to walk away from your chains and join the ranks of the free.
I know that you'll certainly like it when the last bastions of the Sorros crime consortium lie in ruins and we can build over them with the foundations of a new land of plenty and happiness instead of the endless negative subjugation you seem to recommend .

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2016 11:50 pm
by Royal24s
kooster wrote:How about someone starting a "Common sense Party" which is held to account by the electorate rather than the Whitehall goons.

Abso - bloody - lutely !!! :dart:

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:46 am
by subsub
Royal24s wrote:Yeah you're missing, or probably choosing to miss, a great deal . All very well you grasping at straws and trying to phrase things in a particular way as if it negates reality, but there's a thing called a critical mass, and we've achieved it.
I pointed out above that we've won the day, but there are still pocket of resistance to be mopped up. That doesn't matter because it's too late for them to recover if we continue to press them.
It has been made safe to speak out against the State now, and more and more people will do it. They can no longer tell us what to think or how we should express our thoughts.

If you think a bit of old bollocks about some perceived , ( by you), potential setbacks will halt the march to liberty, you're wrong. The numbers will only grow from here and eventually you might feel safe enough to walk away from your chains and join the ranks of the free.
I know that you'll certainly like it when the last bastions of the Sorros crime consortium lie in ruins and we can build over them with the foundations of a new land of plenty and happiness instead of the endless negative subjugation you seem to recommend .
:lol: :lol: :lol:
This stuff is like a sixth-former trying to impress his politics teacher. Risible.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:19 am
by Zambo
subsub wrote:
Royal24s wrote:Yeah you're missing, or probably choosing to miss, a great deal . All very well you grasping at straws and trying to phrase things in a particular way as if it negates reality, but there's a thing called a critical mass, and we've achieved it.
I pointed out above that we've won the day, but there are still pocket of resistance to be mopped up. That doesn't matter because it's too late for them to recover if we continue to press them.
It has been made safe to speak out against the State now, and more and more people will do it. They can no longer tell us what to think or how we should express our thoughts.

If you think a bit of old bollocks about some perceived , ( by you), potential setbacks will halt the march to liberty, you're wrong. The numbers will only grow from here and eventually you might feel safe enough to walk away from your chains and join the ranks of the free.
I know that you'll certainly like it when the last bastions of the Sorros crime consortium lie in ruins and we can build over them with the foundations of a new land of plenty and happiness instead of the endless negative subjugation you seem to recommend .
:lol: :lol: :lol:
This stuff is like a sixth-former trying to impress his politics teacher. Risible.
Sub just confirming again that he is not a leftie. :lol:

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:06 am
by subsub
Had a change of heart about "silly emoticons", Zam? :mrgreen:

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 9:19 am
by antdad
At least Zam has saved the "looney" for someone more appropriate eh Sub?

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:26 am
by Royal24s
subsub wrote:
Royal24s wrote:Yeah you're missing, or probably choosing to miss, a great deal . All very well you grasping at straws and trying to phrase things in a particular way as if it negates reality, but there's a thing called a critical mass, and we've achieved it.
I pointed out above that we've won the day, but there are still pocket of resistance to be mopped up. That doesn't matter because it's too late for them to recover if we continue to press them.
It has been made safe to speak out against the State now, and more and more people will do it. They can no longer tell us what to think or how we should express our thoughts.

If you think a bit of old bollocks about some perceived , ( by you), potential setbacks will halt the march to liberty, you're wrong. The numbers will only grow from here and eventually you might feel safe enough to walk away from your chains and join the ranks of the free.
I know that you'll certainly like it when the last bastions of the Sorros crime consortium lie in ruins and we can build over them with the foundations of a new land of plenty and happiness instead of the endless negative subjugation you seem to recommend .
:lol: :lol: :lol:
This stuff is like a sixth-former trying to impress his politics teacher. Risible.

We didn't have politics teachers when I was in the 6th form. I do seem to recall that I did okay though, but you know I don't think the above would have washed in that context because they tended to discourage swear words and metaphors, and they wouldn't have liked the spelling error or the informal syntax. I only tell you this in case you decide to do some kind of access course which will allow you to enter the 11plus or something, and if you did, then you should actually avoid free style creative writing in that context, especially if you're likely to get it wrong .
No, I should stick to short negative and idiotic comments if I were you. Very good that you used a big word, "risible", there though. Keep it up !

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 11:28 am
by Royal24s
Why do all these fucking lefties want to mark your work ?

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:58 pm
by m4 colin
Royal24s wrote:Why do all these fucking lefties want to mark your work ?
Often said No one is on here to improve their English

Anyone not understand what is meant when Arthur Daley says "No one dont like rats".

I thought not.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:13 pm
by subsub
Royal24s wrote:
subsub wrote:
Royal24s wrote:Yeah you're missing, or probably choosing to miss, a great deal . All very well you grasping at straws and trying to phrase things in a particular way as if it negates reality, but there's a thing called a critical mass, and we've achieved it.
I pointed out above that we've won the day, but there are still pocket of resistance to be mopped up. That doesn't matter because it's too late for them to recover if we continue to press them.
It has been made safe to speak out against the State now, and more and more people will do it. They can no longer tell us what to think or how we should express our thoughts.

If you think a bit of old bollocks about some perceived , ( by you), potential setbacks will halt the march to liberty, you're wrong. The numbers will only grow from here and eventually you might feel safe enough to walk away from your chains and join the ranks of the free.
I know that you'll certainly like it when the last bastions of the Sorros crime consortium lie in ruins and we can build over them with the foundations of a new land of plenty and happiness instead of the endless negative subjugation you seem to recommend .
:lol: :lol: :lol:
This stuff is like a sixth-former trying to impress his politics teacher. Risible.

We didn't have politics teachers when I was in the 6th form. I do seem to recall that I did okay though, but you know I don't think the above would have washed in that context because they tended to discourage swear words and metaphors, and they wouldn't have liked the spelling error or the informal syntax. I only tell you this in case you decide to do some kind of access course which will allow you to enter the 11plus or something, and if you did, then you should actually avoid free style creative writing in that context, especially if you're likely to get it wrong .
No, I should stick to short negative and idiotic comments if I were you. Very good that you used a big word, "risible", there though. Keep it up !
Never use five words when 50 will do, eh? Kinnock-itis...

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:50 pm
by Royal24s
Depends what I'm doing really. If I'm adding to a forum like this I consider the fact that someone might read it, so I try and do more than a one line post.
I'm pretty sure that I could do one liners quite well if I wanted to go down that route, and I think it's very good that such an easy method is available , because it enables you to get involved in conversations, albeit in a limited way.
Have you ever considered trying to address the actual subject though, rather than just calling people names ?

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:46 pm
by Roy Twing
For my sins I just listened to a half hour or so of the woman on LBC in the afternoon, - I should have known better I know, but her opening salvo was to declare that maybe it was time for lefties like her to re-think their views regarding the 'right wing' and immigration etc.
Suffice to say she didn't have a damascus moment.
They really just don't get it - she, along with some wheel on guest were talking of the 'right wing' (which to them means everyone who voted for brexit/trump voters etc.) in the third person, and maybe they ('we' in her eyes) should forgive them (us) for they (we) know not what we do.
These 'westminster/media bubble' luvvies still don't get that they do not represent the majority, - they are in fact, a very dangerous minority and the the reason the west has become so polarised.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:27 pm
by m4rkb
Their sudden vault face in opinion was needed for them to maintain the high mantle of representing all acceptable public opinion from a left perspective.It's a bit like these official reports which suddenly recognise bears do their business in the woods after years of everyone else telling them they do. But now it's official and therefore true whereas it wasn't before.

Rest assured it won't be long before they revert to type and the same name calling is back in the open with alternative excuses attached rather than admitting we've all had enough of the liberal / globalist agenda. Just like the EU response to widespread rebellion was to give them more Europe.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:29 pm
by kancutlawns
Fogarty is the worst woman on radio and she's up against some fairly stiff competition on 5Live, TS and LBC.

Re: The New New World Order - Rise of Liberty

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 12:11 pm
by Rossco
Royal24s wrote:T

Notwithstanding the interjection of a desperate paragraph of propaganda in the middle of this article by a BBC goon, I think the photograph says everything we have been yearning to hear and longing to see.
The weasel words of our corrupt outgoing politicians and media now sound completely hollow and desperate as even they must face the facts that they're losing their grip upon the people's rights and the people's money. Each time they lecture the general public that they would be stupid or wicked to vote against the anti family, anti national and anti truth fake liberal establishment , the people defy them. After their initial outrage, they go into denial and convince each other it was just a glitch.
They carry on as usual as if nothing had happened , ignoring the armies of freedom now battering the doors of their evil fortress and demanding their world back.

The political climate is now highly charged with a powerful current of truth and freedom which must inevitably destroy their regime, and we can see the signs that even they know it now.
How can we, in Britain, best make sure that we play our full part in this renaissance of truth and liberty?
The referrendum voters exist and merely need to be organised and properly led to victory for a new party of change in the next General Election.
How can that be done ?
There was always going to be a backlash from the far left and their mental illness that they try to inflect on the general population . But we all need to be careful we don't go to far to the right either.

In the middle. Having common sense and decency and trusting in God. That is the best place for all humankind. But will we ever get there?

Not holding my breath.